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Waco Brothers, The - Freedom and weep **** Wheeler Band, Mike - Turn up! - 8
Waddell, David - The last of the outlaws - 8½ Whelan - The story of Ike Dupree -
Wade, Morgan - Reckless - 8½ Whelan, Sid - Waitin' for payday - 8
Wages, Cyrena - Vanity project - 8 White, Amelia - Black doves ****
Wagner, Jessie - 9 White, Amelia - Old postcard - 8½
Wagner, Marco R. Wagner - Back to the plow - 8 White, Amelia - Home sweet hotel - 8½
Wagner, Mirel - When the cellar children see the light of day - White, Amelia - Rhythm of the rain - 8
Wagner, Nichole - And the sky caught fire - White, Amelia - Love I swore -
Waifs, The - Beautiful you - 9 White, Bella - Just like leaving - 9
Waifs, The - Ironbark - White, Emily Jane - Immanent fire -
Wainwright Sisters, The - Songs in the dark - 7 White, Emily Jane - Alluvion -
Wainwright III, Loudon - Strange weirdos ****½ White and the Nordic Connections, Hannah - Hannah White and the Nordic Connections - 8
Wainwright III, Loudon - Haven't got the blues yet - White, Hannah - Sweet revolution - 8
Wainwright, Martha - Martha Wainwright ****½ White, Jack - Lazaretto - 8
Wainwright, Martha - Love will be reborn - 8 White, Jim - Misfit's jubilee - 8
Wainwright, Rufus - Want two ***½ White vs the Packway Handle Band - Take it like a man - 8+
Wainwright, Rufus - Release the stars ****½ White, Joy Lynn - One more time ****
Wainwright, Rufus - Unfollow the rules - 9 White, Kierston - Don't write love songs - 8
Waite, John - Downtown journey ***½ White, Tony Joe - Snakey ****
Waites, Rupert - For the people - White, Tony Joe - The Heroines ****
Waits, Tom - Alice **** White, Tony Joe - Uncovered ****
Waits, Tom - Bloodmoney *** White, Tony Joe - Rain crow - 8
Waits, Tom - Real gone **** White Jr., Billy - It's about time -
Walda, Lotte - Dragonfly - 8 White Stripes, The - Get behind me satan ****
Waldemar, Torgeir - No offending borders - Whitehorse - Leave no bridge unburned -
Waldemar, Torgeir - Déja vu - 8 Whitherward - The Anchor -
Waldon, Kelsey - White noise/white lines - Whitley, Chris - Weed / War crime blues **½ / ***½
Walgrave, Anton - Where oceans meet - 8 Whitley, Chris - Soft dangerous shores ****
Walin, Mona - To build a fire - 8 Whitley, Chris - Lacuna -
Walk, Sarah - Another me - 9 Whittaker, Kate - Shine - 8
Walkabouts, The - Acetylene ***½ Who, The - Endless wire ****
Walker, Ben - Echo - 9 Who's The Bossa? - The chamber music project - 8
Walker, Natalie - Urban angels **** WhoSheDo - Appetite! - 9
Walker, Rachel - Gaol - Wiegmann & Carl Carlton, Melanie - Glory of love - 8
Walker, Ryley - All kinds of you - 9 Wigmore, Gin - Ivory -
Walker, Ryley - Golden sings that have been sung - 9 Wilco - A ghost is born ***
Walker, Seth - Seth Walker **** Wilco - Schmilco - 8
Walker, Seth - Gotta get back - 8 Wilde, Kim - Never say never ***
Walker, Terri - L.O.V.E. ****½ Willcuts, Lori - Blackeyed Susan's ***½
Walker & E D Brayshaw, Wily Bo - Stone cold beautiful - 8 Williams, Alex - Waging peace - 8
Wall, Colter - Songs of the plains - Williams, Dar - The green world ****
Wallet, Chain - No ritual- Sweet state of mind - 8 Williams, Dar - My better self ****
Wallice, Alice - Here I am - 8 Williams, Dar - Still - 9
Walton, Debbi - Sweet state of mind - 8 Williams, Dar - I'll meet you here - 9½
Wander - Songs from the garden - 9 Williams, Ezra - Supernumeraries - 9
Wang, Ellen Andrea - Blank out - Williams, Gareth - Songs from the last page - 8
Wanthanee - Wanthanee - 9 Williams, Hayward - Pretenders - 7½
War and Treaty, The - Healing tide - 8 Williams, Jody - You left me in the dark *
Ward Thomas - Music in madness - 8 Williams, Kathryn - Relations ****½
Ward, Michael - With dogs and fishes - 7 Williams, Kathryn - Over fly over ****
Ward with Dogs and Fishes - Brighter days - 8 Williams, Kathryn - Hypoxia -
Warnes, Jennifer - Famous blue raincoat **** Williams, Lucinda - World without tears ****½
Warren, Becky - The sick season - 9 Williams, Lucinda - Essence ****
Warren, Johanna - Numun - 10 Williams, Lucinda - Live at the Fillmore ****
Warren, Johanna - Gemini I - 9 Williams, Lucinda - West ****
Warren, Johanna - Chaotic good - 9½ Williams, Lucinda - Down where the spirit meets the bone -
Warren, Johanna - Lessons for mutants - 9 Williams, Lucinda - The ghosts of Highway 20 - 9
Warwick, Dionne - My friends & me ****½ Williams, Lucinda - This sweet old world - 8
Washburn, Abigail - Song of the traveling daughter**** Williams, Lucinda - Good souls, better angels -
Washington - A new order rising ***** Williams, Marlon - My boy -
Watchahatchee - Ivy tripp - Williams, Michelle - Heart to yours ***
Watchman, The - Weep on, willow **** Williams, Michelle - Do you know **
Water And Sand - Catching light - Williams, Pharrell - Girl - 8
Waterboys, The - Universal hall ***½ Williams, Robbie - Escapalogy ***½
Waterboys, The - Karma to burn ****½ Williams, Robbie - Sing when you're winning ****
Waterson & David A. Jaycock, Marry - Two wolves  - 9½ Williams, Robbie - Greatest hits ***
Waters, Heather - Shadow of you ****½ Williams, Robbie - Intensive care ***½
Waters, Roger - In the flesh ****½ Williams, Robbie - Rude box *
Waters, Roger -  Ça ira **** Williamson, Jess - Time ain't accidental - 9
Waterson:Carthy - Fishes & fine yellow sand **** Willie Sugarcaps - Willie Sugarcaps - 8+
Waterson, Norma - The very thought of you ***** Willis, Kelly - Easy ***½
Waterson & Eliza Carthy with the Gift Band, Norma - Anchor - 9 Willis, Kelly - Translated from love ****
Wates, Rupert - Colorado mornings - 9 Willis, Nicole - Keep reachin' up **
Wates, Rupert - The lights of Paris - Willis, Scout LaRue - Scout LaRue Willis - 9
Wates, Rupert - Lamentations - Willis & the Soul Investigators, Nicole - Happiness in every style - 8
Wates, Rupert - Elegies - Willow, Jane - Onward bound -
Watkins, Geraint - Dial 'w' for Watkins **** Willow, Jane - Burn so bright - 9
Watkins, Lauren - The heartbroken record - 8 Wimmer, Beth - Bookmark - 8
Watkins, Sara - Under the pepper tree - Wilson, Ann - Hope & glory ***½
Watson, Charles - Now that I'm a river - Wilson, Brian - Gettin' in over my head ****½
Watson, Helen - The weather inside **** Wilson, Brian - Smile ****½
Watson, Olivea - Way down deep ***½ Wilson, Cassandra - Cassandra Wilson sings standards ****
Watson, Patrick - Close to paradise ***** Wilson, Cassandra - Belly of the sun ****
Watson, Willie - Willie Watson - 8 Wilson, Cassandra - Glamoured *****
Watt, Ben - Fever dream - 8 Wilson, Cassandra - Thunderbird *****
Watt, Erisy - Not either or but everything - Wilson, Cassandra - Coming forth by day -
Watt, Kerri - Neptune's daughter - Wilson, Emma - Memphis calling -
Waut, Elisa - Portraits and landscapes - 8 Wilson, Gretchen - Here for the party ****
Waxahatchee - Saint cloud - 9 Wilson, Gretchen - All jacked up ***½
Wax Poetic - Nublu sessions ***½ Wilson, Gretchen - One of the boys ***½
Waylon - Heaven after midnight - Wilson Phillips - California ***
Waylon - The world can wait - 8 Wilson, Cassandra - Coming forth by day - 8
Wayne Graham - 1% Juice - 8 Winans, Mario - Hurt no more ***
Weald, Liza - 01:01 - 9 Winchester, Jesse - A reasonable amount of trouble - 9
Weather Station, The - Loyalty - 9 Windstreken - Folies - 9
Weather Station, The - The Weather Station - 9 Winehouse, Amy - Frank ****
Weaver, Ben - Stories under nails ****½ Winehouse, Amy - Back to black ****
Weaver, Ben - Paper and sky **** Winkler, Marty - Songs I never sang for my father -
Webb, Wendy - This is the moment - 9 Winter, Johnny - I'm a bluesman ****
Webb, Wendy - I'll take you home - Winterslag - The Might-as-well - 8
Webb, Wendy - Silver lining - 9 Winwood, Steve - About time *****
Webb, Will - Name of the train **** Within Temptation - Mother earth ****
Webbe, Simon - Grace ***½ Within Temptation - Silent force ***½
Webster, Faye - Atlanta millionaires club - Within Temptation - The heart of everything ****
Webster, Faye - I know I'm funny haha - 9 Woe, Jeroen - Weg was - 8
Welch, Leo - Sabougla voices - 8 Woestenburg, Tamara- The Colony - 8
Webster, Lindsey - Back to your heart - 9 Woji, Hank - Highways, gamblers, devil and dreams -
Weepies, The - Say I am you *** Wolf Alice - My love is cool - 7½
Weepies, The - Sirens - Wolf, Peter - Sleepless ****½
Weetering, Myrthe van de - Ghazal - 9 Wolf Alice - My love is cool -
Weezer - Make believe ***½ Wolf Parade - Apologies to the Queen Mary ***½
Welch, Gillian - Soul journey **** Womack & Womack - Conscious ****½
Welch, Gillian - Boots no. 2, the lost songs vol. 2 - 9 Womack, Lee Ann - The way I'm livin' - 9-
Welch, Leo - Sabougla voices - 8 Womack, Lee Ann - The lonely, the lonesome & the gone -
Weller, Paul - Studio 150 **** Wonder, Stevie - A time 2 love ***½
Weller, Paul - As is now ***½ Wonder, Wayne - No holding back ***
Wells, Brooksie - North east rising sun - Wooden Soldiers - Wooden Soldiers -
Wells, Emily - Regards to the end - 8½ Woods, Hilary - Birthmarks - 8
Wells, Justin - The united state - 8 Woods, Jamila - Heavn - 9
Wende - Quand tu dors **** Woods Broderick, Heather - Suit of hearts - 8
Wende - Au suivant (dvd + cd) **** Woodsmith jr - Hidden tales -
Wende - Sterrenlopen - 9 Woodward, Lucy - Stories from the dust -
Wenglén, Lotta - In the core *** Worry Dolls - Go Get gone -
Wesseltoft, Bugge - Somewhere in between - Wright, Chely - I am the rain -
West, Corinne - Starlight highway - Wright, Jaguar - Divorcing neo 2 marry soul ****
West, Leslie - Blue me *** Wyatt, Jaime - Feel good -
West, Leslie - Still climbing - 8 Wright, Lizz - Dreaming wide awake ****
West My Friend - In constellation - 9 Wright, Lizz - The orchard ****
West Of Eden - Look to the west - 8 Wright, Lizz - Freedom & surrender -
West Of Eden - No time like the past - 8 Wright, Lizz - Grace -
West Of Eden - Flat earth society - 9 Wright, Lizz - Shadow - 9
West Of Eden - Taube - Wright, Shannon - Over the sun ****
West Of Eden - Whitechapel - Wurster, Jim - No joke - 8
Westen Band, Dieter van der - Me and you - 8 Wyatt, Jaime - Felony blues - 8
Weyes Blood - Front row seat to earth - 9 Wyatt, Jaime - Neon cross - 9
Weyes Blood - Titanic rising - 9 Wyatt, Jaime - Feel good -
Weyes Blood - And in the darkness, hearts aglow - 9 Wyclef Jean - The preacher's son ***½
Whale and the Village - Second - 9 Wyman's Rhythm Kings, Bill - Just for a thrill ***
Whalen, Katharine - Dirty little secret ***½  


laatste update: 11-12-24