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  T, Jamie - Panic prevention ****½  Thomsen, Tini - MaxSax -
  Tabor, June - Rosa mundi **** Thomson, Marle - The Canapy acoustic - 8
Taivi - Rising tide - Thorn, Paul - Too blessed to be stressed - 9+
  Tabor, June - At the wood's heart ****  Thorn, Tracey - Out of the woods ***½
Taj Mahal - Savoy - 9 Thorne, Lucie - Everything sings tonight - 9
Takada, Emi - Why did I choose you? - 8 Thorne, Lucie - Kitty & Frank - 9
  Taksim Trio - Taksim Trio ****½  Those Barren Leaves - W.I.A.B.R. - 8
Tali - Lyric on my lip ***½ Thrice - Vheissu ****½
Talk Talk - The colour of spring ****   Throwing Muses - Throwing Muses ****½ 
Talmadge, Jeff - Sparrow - Thunderbolt & Lightfoot - Songs for mixed company - 8
Talvik, Sofia - Paws of a bear - 9 Tibbs, The - Keep it yourself - 8
Talvik, Sofia - Center of the universe - 9 Tiersen & Shannon Wright, Yann - id. ****
Tam, Gianna - Latin empire - 8 Tiersen, Yann - Les retrouvailles ****
Tamblyn, Ian - Walking in the footsteps - 8 Tikaram, Tanita - Sentimental **
Tamblyn, Ian - Let it go - Timber Timbre - Hot dreams -
Tamia - Still ***½   Timberlake, Justin - Justified *** 
Témé Tan - Témé Tan -   Timony, Mary - The golden dove *** 
Tamino - Sahar - 9   Timony, Mary - Ex hex ** 
Tander, Simin - When water travels home - 8   Timms, Sally - In the world of him ** 
Tango Siempre - Tangents **** Tindersticks - Waiting for the moon ****
Tangarine - There and back - Tindley, Sara - Greetings from Lake St. Claire - 9
Tankian, Serj - Elect the dead ****½ Tiny Legs Tim - Stepping up - 8
Tannara - Trig - 8 Tiny Ruins - Brightly painted one - 7½
Taraf De Haïdouks - Maskarada **** Tip Jar - Back porch - 8
Tarkan - Come closer *** Tip Jar - One Lifetime - 8
Tasha's World - Tasha's World ***½ Tip Jar - Songs about love and life on the hippie side of the country -
Tasha's World - World domination **** Title, Julie - After the sun -
Tashaki Miyaki - Castaway - 8 Tivel, Anna - Small believer - 9
Tassel, Susanna Van - The heart I wear **** Tivel, Anna - The question - 9
t.A.T.u. - Dangerous and moving *** Tivel, Anna - Outsiders - 9
Tate, Dave - The solitude of here ***** Toasaves - Zwerver -
Taubman, Lara - Revelation - 8 Tolchin, Jonah - Onward -
Tautumeitas - Dziesmas no aulejas - 9½ TLC - 3D **
Tavares, Raquel - Raquel -   To Die For - IV ** 
Tavares, Sara - Balancé **** Tobin, Teri - Truth is -
Tavernier, Lieven - Verloren in de tijd - 9 Tognoni, Rob - The lost album - 8
Taylor & Carrie Rodriguez, Chip - Let's leave this town **** Tok Tok Tok - It took so long ***½
Taylor & Carrie Rodriguez, Chip - Red dog tracks ***½ Tok Tok Tok - About... ***½
Taylor, Demetria - Doin' what I'm suppoed to do - Tokso - Fyrsta morginn - 8
Taylor, Dulcie - Mirrors and windows ***½ Tolchin, Jonah - Thousand mile night -
Taylor and Friends, Dulcie - Only worn one time - 8+ Toll, Sabina - Mada a dit 'oui' -
Taylor, James - October road **** Tolstoy, Viktoria - Shining on you ****
Taylor, James - One man band ****½ Tolstoy, Viktoria - Stealing moments - 9
Taylor, Joanne Shaw - The dirty truth - 8+ Tomberlin - At weddings - 9
Taylor, Julian - The ridge - 8 Tomberlin - I don't know who needs to hear this - 9
Taylor, Julian - Beyond the reservoir - 8 Tomlinson, Michael - House of sky - 7
Taylor, Koko - Old school **** Toneff & Steve Dobrogosz, Radka - Fairytales - 9
Taylor, Louise - Written in red ****½ Toots & the Maytals - True love ****
Taylor, Maria - 11:11 **** Topferova, Marta - La marea ( the tide) ****
Taylor, Monica - Trains, rivers & trails - 8 Topferova, Marta - Flor nocturna ****½
Taylor, Otis - Double V **** Topley Bird, Martina - Quixotic **
Taylor, Sean - Short stories - 8 Tormez, Liz - Limelight ****
Tchako, Fely - Yita - 9 Torn, David - Only sky -
Tea Party, The - Seven circles **** Torrini, Emiliana - Fisherman's woman **
Tears, The - Here come the Tears **** Torrini & The Colorist Orchestra, Emiliana - Racing the storm -
Tears For Fears - Everybody loves a happy ending ***½ Torres - Three futures - 8½
Tedeschi, Susan - Wait for me ****½ Torres - Thirstier - 8½
Tedeschi, Susan - Hope and desire ****½ Tortoise - It's all around you **
Teardrop Trio, Mike - Hangin' around - 8 Total Touch, Trijntje Oosterhuis - The best of ****
Teenage Fanclub - Man-made ***½ Totally Mild - Her - 8
Tegan & Sara - If it was you **** Tounkara, Djelimady - Djely blues - 9
Tegan & Sara - So jealous ***½ Toupin, Katie - Big magic - 8
Tegan & Sara - The con **** Touré-Raichel Collective, The - The Paris Session -
Tegelberg, Michiel - In de wolken - 8 Touré, Daby - Amonafi - 9
Teixeira, Awna - Wild one - 9 Touré, Modou - Touki - 9
Tekrø, Ronni Le - Bigfoot TV - 8 Touré et Khruangbin, Vieux Farka - Ali - 9
Tempchin, Jack - Learning to dance - 8 Toumast - Ishumar ****
Tempchin, Jack - One more song - 8 Toverberg - Tranen in de wind - 8
  Ten Sharp - Stay ** Track Dogs - Fire on the rail - 8
Tender Things, The - How to make a fool - 9 Traffic - Traffic -
Tenderloin Universe, The Bobby - Satan is a woman - 8 Tragedy Ann - Matches - 9
Teng, Vienna - Warm strangers ****½ Traïda, Aïscha - Mr. Marshall - 8+
Teng, Vienna - Dreaming through the noise **** Train, Kristina - Rayon city -
Tennesse Studs - Turn up the heat - Tramp, Mike - Songs I left behind ***
Teresa, Maria - O mar **** Tranchina, Gabriela - Of sailing ships and the stars in your eyes - 8
Ternheim, Anna - Somebody outside **** Traore, Rokia - Bowmboi ****½
Ternheim, Anna - Separation road **** Traum, Artie - Thief of time ***½
Ternheim, Anna - Separation road - 8 Treble - Free ***
Terrafyght - Beneath - 8 Tree, Carrie - Home to the insible - 8
Terran, Jennifer - The musician **** Tree, Carrie - The Canoe - 9
Terran, Jennifer - Full moon in 3 **** Treetop Flyers - Palomino - 8
Terran, Jennifer - California national anthem - Treffers, Tim - Looking for a place to saty - 8
Terry, Jesse - Arcadia - Treffers, Tim - Never trust a man in a fur coat - 9
Tesi & Banditaliana, Riccardo - Maggio - Treffers, Tim - Carnival of life - 9
Teske, Mary Kate - Mary Kate Teske - 9 Treffers, Tim - Young and determined - 8
Teskey Brothers, The - Half mile harvest - 9 Tres Chicas - Sweetwater ****
Teskey Brothers, The - The winding way - 9 Tres Chicas -Bloom red and the ordinary girl ****½
Tessa - Alone ***½ Triana, Andreya - Giants - 8-
Teté, Ricardo - Gerigonca ****½ Tricca McNiff - Southern star - 8
Texas - Red book ****½ Trienekens, Marit - Dance with my dark side -
Texas - Jump on board - Trio Bier - Club Trio Bier - 8
Thao - We brave bee stings and all **** Trischka, Tony - Earl jam - 8
Thao & the Get Down Stay Down - A man alive - 8 Trovesi, Gianluigi - Vaghissimo ritratto ****½
The Maes - The Maes - Trio Bier - Club Trio Bier - 8
Theessink, Hans - Songs from the southland **** Trio Bier - Club Trio Bier - 8
Theessink, Hans - Bridges ***** Trummer, Marcus - From the start - 8
Theessink, Hans - Slow train **** Truth Hurts - Ready now **½
The Me In You - How does it feel to be wrong all the time - Tucek, Sarabeth - Joan of all - 9
The Twilight Sad - It won't be like this all the time - 8 Tuck & Patti - Chocolate moment ***
They Might Be Giants - The spine * Tuck & Patti - A gift of love ***
Thicke - A beautiful world ***½ Tuesday Child - Vital signs ****
Thielemans, Toots - One more for the road ***** Tuffy, Dan - Letters of gold - 8
Thile, Chris - Thanks for the listening - Tuinen, Francien van - A perfect blue day ****
Thirteen Senses - The invitation **** Tuinen, Francien van - Muzyka ****½
This Is The Kit - Moonshine freeze - Tullgren, Lina - Free cell -
This Is The Kit - Off off on - 9 Turin Brakes - JackInABox ****
Thom, Sandi - Smile... it confuses people ***½ Tunstall, K.T. - Eye to the telescope ***
Thomas, Carla - The queen alone **** Tunstall, K.T. - KT Tunstalls Acoustic Extravaganza ****
Thomas, Irma - The new rules ** Tunstall, K.T. - Drastic fantastic ***½
Thomas, Irma - A woman's viewpoint **** Tunstall, K.T. - Kin -
Thompson, Lea - Mirrors in the sun - 9 Turner, James T - Future meets the past - 8
Thomas, Lucy - Timeless - 8 Turner, Joe Lynn - The usual suspects **
Thomas, Mike - Diamonds - Turner, Rebecca - The new wrong way - 8
Thomas, Richard Paul - Salado - 8 Turner, Tina - Private dancer - 9
Thomas, Rosie - These friends of mine ** Turunen, Tarja - My winter storm **
Thomas, Vaneese - Blues for my father - Tuvaband - New orders- 8
Thompsett, Kim - The hollows - Twarres - CD2 ***
Thompson, Linda - Fashionably late ****½ Tweedy, Jeff - Together at last - 8
Thomas, Linda - Proxy music - 9 Twins Of Franklin, The - This life -
Thompson, Richard - Front parlour ballads ***** Tyla - Tyla - 9
Thompson, Richard and Linda - I want to see the bright lights tonight - 10 Tyler, Crosby - Don't call the law on me -
Thompson, Richard - Still - 9 Tyler, Jared - Dirt on your hands - 8½
Thompson, Teddy - Separate ways **** Tyler, William - Modern country - 8
Thompson, Teddy - Up front & down low ****½ Tzeitel - Drömfärden - 9


laatste update: 20-01-25