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Naess, Leona - Leona Naess ****½ Newson, Joanna - Divers - 10
Nachtpost - Licht - 8 Ne-Yo - Because of you ***½
Nachtpost - Sporen - N'Gonda, Jalen - Come around and love me - 9
  Nada Surf - The weight is a gift *** NiCad - For the good - 8
  Nadas, The - Transceiver **** Nichols, Penny - Golden state -
  Nadieh - Company of fools *** Nicholls, Danni - The melted morning -
  Nadler, Marissa - The saga of mayflower may *** Nickel Creek - Why should the fire die? ****
  Nadler, Marissa - Ballads of living and dying *** Nickelback - All the right reasons ***½
  Nadler, Marissa - July - 9- Nicks, Stevie - 24 Karat Gold - songs grom the vault -
  Nadler, Marissa - Strangers - 8 Nicole, Danielle - Cry no more -
  Nadler, Marissa - The path of the clouds - 9 Nielsen Chapman, Beth - Hearts of glass - 9
  Nagy, Greg - The real you - 8 Nieuwland, Sandra van - And more - 7½
  Nah, Youn Sun - She moves on - 9 Nieuwland, Sandra van - Banging on the doors of love - 8-
  Naim, Yael - Nightsongs - Nieuwland, Sandra van - Breaking new ground -
  Naked Ears - Icebear - Nieuwland, Sandra van - Wonderland - 8
  Naked Giants - The shadow - 8 Nighthawks, The - 444 - 8-
  Nakhane - - Bastard jargon - 9 Nijland, Linde - Ten years - 10
Nalick, Anna - Wreck of the day ****½ Nikolaisen, Elvira - Quiet exit ****
  Nani - Andalusian brew - 9 Nijs, Rob de - Vanaf vandaag ***
  Nanna - How to start a garden - 9 Nile, Willie - Streets of New York ****
Nao - For all we know - 8 Nilsen, Age Sten - Smooth seas -
Naragonia Quartet - Idili - 8 Nilsen, Kurt - I ***
Nash, Kate - Made of bricks **** NinaLynn - Hummingbird - 9
  Nash, Kate - 9 Sad symphonies - 9 Nina Sky - Nina Sky ***½
Nash, Leigh - Blue on blue **** Nine Inch Nails - With tetth ****
Nasic, Sandra - The signal **** Nits - 1974 ***½
  Nastasia, Nina - Run to ruin **** Nits - Doing the dishes ****
  Nastasia, Nina - Dogs **** Nneka - My fairy tales - 8
  Natas, Los - El hombre montaña *** No Blues - Oh yeah hanini - 7
  Native Harrow - Happier now - 9 No Man's Valley - Mirror image - 8
  Native Harrow - Old kind of magic - 9 No Man's Valley - And four other songs - 7
  Naus, Vera - Young heart - 9 No, Lizzie - Halfsies-
  Navarra - I Ljusningen - Noa - Now *****
Navarro, Dan - Shed my skin - 8 Noa - Live in Israël *****
Navarro, Dan - Horizon line - 8 Noble, Keri - Fearless ****
  Nazarkhan, Sevara -Sen ****½ Nodesha - Nodesha ***½
  Nazemeth, Judy - Balancing act - Nolan, Joe - Tornado - 8+
  Nazemeth, Judy - Meat bird in beigeville - 8 Nomden - Parallel universe-
  Ndegeocello, Meshell - The spirit music jamia **** Nona - Nona - 8
  Ndegeocello, Meshell - The world had made me the man of my dreams **** Nooonan, Sean - Man no longer me - 8
  Ndegeocello, Meshell - No more water: The gospel of James Baldwin - 9 Nordenstam, Stina - The world is saved ****½
N'Dour, Youssou - Egypt **** Norgren, Daniel - Outskirt -
N'Dour, Youssou - Rokku mi rokka **** Norgren, Daniel - Wooh dang - 9
  Ndidi - Dark swing - 9- Nordgarden - Changes - 8
  Neale, Lael - Acquainted with night - Nordgarden - All we need - 8
  Neale, Lael - Star eaters delight - 9 No Rome - It's all smiles - 8
  Neals, Eliza - Breaking and entering - North Mississippi Allstars - Electric blue watermelon ****
  Neals, Eliza - Black crow moan - 8½ North Star Band, The - Then & Now - 8
Nedelle - From the lion's mouth ***½ Northern Belle, The - We wither, we bloom - 9
  Needlepoint - The diary of Robert Reverie - 8 Norton, Ashley E - Call of the void - 8
  Neeka - Meisje meisje - Norton, Kerry - Young heart ****
  Neila Dar - Son of the stars - 8½ Norum, John - Optimus ***½
  Neilson, Tami - SASSAFRASS! - 9 Nourallah, Faris - Minus one - 8
  Neilson, Tami - Chickaboom! - Nouvelle Vague - Nouvelle Vague ****
NEK - La cose da difendere **** Nouvelle Vague - Bande a part ***½
  Nelson and Amanda Shires, Bobbie - Loving you - 9 Nouvelle Vague - Latenighttales ****
  Neilson, Tracy - Life don't miss nobody - 8 Nova, Heather - Redbird ****
Nelson, Willie - It always will be *** Nova, Heather - The way it feels - 8
Nelson, Willie - Live from Austin Texas **** Novak, Lisa - Tougher skin ***½
Nelson, Willie - Songbird **** Novak, Sylvia Rose - Chasing ghosts - 8+
  Nenni, Emily - On the ranch - 8 Novastar - Another lonely soul ****
  Nenni, Emily - Drive & cry - 8 Novastar - Inside outside - 8½
Neobe, Adani & Wolf - Unconditional ****½ Norby, Cæcile - Silent ways - 8
Nergaard, Silje - Nightwatch **** Now Vs Now - The buffering cocoon - 7
Nergaard, Silje - Darkness out of blue **** NQ Arbuckle - Love songs for the long game -
Nergaard, silje - Chain of days - Nubia - Vogelvrij - 9
Nergaard, Silje - For you a thousand times - 8 Nubians, Les - One step forward **
Nes, Silje - Ames room ****½ Nublues - Dreams of a blues man **
Nesbitt, Nina - Mountain music - 9 Nude Party, The - Rides on - 8
Nestlerode, Daniel - Windrush - 9 Nunez, Michael Juan - About to snap ****
Nergaard, Sarah - Detritus - 8 Nugent, Alecia - Alecia Nugent ****
New Order - Waiting for the sirens' call ****½ Nutini, Paolo - These streets ****
New Pornographers , The - Twin cinema **** Nutini, Paolo - Caustic love - 8+
New Young Pony Club - Fantastic playroom **** Nutini, Paolo - Last night in the bittersweet -
Newcomer, Carrie - A permeable life - 8 NxWoerries - Why lawd? - 8
Newcomer, Carrie - The slender thread - Nyro, Laura - A way of life - 9
Newland - Trust-hope-love - Nyro, Laura - Angel in the dark ****
Newman, Randy - Dark matter - Nyro, Laura - Eli and the thirteenth confession -
Newsom, Joanna - Ys ****½  


laatste update: 27-01-25