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M83 - Before the dawn heals us **** Mehrah, Margot - Take heart -
Maarud & Lucky Lips, Amund - Perfect stranger - Meier Blues Experience, The Gordon - Magic kingdom - 8
Mabandla, Bongeziwe - Iimini - 9 Meis - C'est demain que je meurs - 9
Mabandla, Bongeziwe - amaXesha - 9 Meis - Zwart/Wit - 9
MacColl, Kirsty - Kite **** Meijer, Maartje - Inner circle - 8
MacDonald, Amy - This is the life *** Meijer, Roos - Why don't we give it a try? - 8½
MacDonald, Amy - Under stars - Meiko - Dear you - 8
MacDonald, Amy - The human demands - 9 Mejram - Mejram - 8
MacDonald, Norma - Burn that tapes - Melanie C - Reason **½
MacDonald, Norma - In waves - Mêlée - Devils and angels ***
MacDuffie, Carrington - Rock me to mars - Melingo - Oasis - 9
Macintosh, Lils - In the wee small hours of the morning ****½ Mellencamp, John - Trouble no more ***
MacKell, Joanne - Everyday and night - 8 Mellencamp, John - Orpheus descending - 9
MacKenzie, Spencer - Infected with the blues - Melua, Katie - Call of the search ****½
MacLellan, Catherine - Church bell blues ****½ Melua, Katie - Piece by piece *****
MacLellan, Catherine - The raven's sun - 9 Melua, Katie - Pictures ****
MacLellan, Catherine - Coyote - 8 Men At Work - Two hearts ***½
MacLeod, Kate - Uranium maiden - 9 Mena, Maria - White turns blue ***½
MacLeod, Nicolette - Love & gold - 9 Mena, Maria - Apparanently unaffected ***½
MacMaster, Natalie - Sketches - 8 Menager, Michael - Line in the water - 8
Macve, Holly - Golden eagle - 9 Mendelson, Leslie - Love and murder - 9
MacWatt, Malcolm - Dark harvest - Mendes, Magda - Oliveiras - 9
Madame Judy - What can I hope for - 9 Mendes, Maria - Innocentia - 9
Maddie, Fern - Ghost story - 9 Mendes, Maria - Saudade, colour of love - 8
Madness - The dangermen sessions vol. 1 *** Mendes, Sergio -Timeless ****½
Madonna - American life * Mendes, Sergio - Encanto ***½
Madonna - Confessions on a dancefloor ***½ Merol - Naar de haaien & dan weer terug -
Madou - Is er iets? - 9 Meola & Leonid Agutin, Al Di - Cosmopolitan ****
Madredeus - Um amor infinito **** Merope - Salos - 9
Madrugada - The deep end **½ Mercedes, Addys - Extraña - 9½
Mae, Vanessa - Choreography **** Merchant, Natalie - Retrospective 1995-2005 ****
Maggie Brown - Another place - 8 Mercury Rev - The secret migration ****
Magic Numbers, The - The Magic Numbers****½ Mercury Rev - TBobbie Gentry's The Delta Sweete Revisited - 9
Magic Numbers, The - Those the brokes**** Merlot, Tess - Laissez-moi - 9
Magic Slim & the Teardrops - Blue magic ***½ Merlot, Tess - Chante la vie - 9
Magness, Janiva - Original - 9- Merritt, Tift - Stitch of the world - 9
Magness, Janiva - Love wins again - 9 Merritt, Tift - Bramble rose ****
Magos & Limón - Dawn - 8 Merritt, Tift - Tambourine ****
MaHarry, Wendy - Released ****½ Merritt, Tift - Home is loud ****
Maher, Molly - Follow - 8 Merritt, Tift - Stitch of the world - 9
Mahon, Elaine - Rise - Meskerem Mees - Julius - 9
Mahon, Elaine - Reach for the stars - 8 Meskerem Mees - Caesar - 9
Maida Rose - Tales of adolescence - 9 Messenger, Paul - America 2.0 - 8
Maines, Lloyd - Eagle number 65 - 8 Messenger, Paul - Love will find you, 9 degrees of relationship - 8
Majumdar / Tarum Bhattacharya, Ronu - Natural ***½ Messenger, Paul - The Reckoning -
Malamas, Sokratis - O Hartis - 9 Metheny Group, Pat - The way up ****
Malaya Blue - Bourbon street - Metheny, Pat - Orchestration -
Malco, Katie - Failures - Meuross, Reg- Reg Meuross - 8
Malheiros, Sabrina - Equilibria **** Meyer, Liz - The storm ****½
Malheiros, Sabrina - Vibrasons **** Meyer, Yael - Warrior heart - 8
Malheiros, Sabrina - Clareia - 8 Mezera, Audrey Auld - Texas ****
Malia - Yellow daffodils **½ M.I.A. - Arular ****
Malibu Storm - Malibu Storm *** M.I.A. - Kala ****
Malin, Jesse - The heat ****½ Michael, George - Patience ***½
Malkmus, Stephen - Face the truth **** Michael, George - Twentyfive ****
Malkmus, Stephen - Traditional techniques - 8 Michael-Ann - Heavy load - 7
Malouma - Nour **** Michael, Jaime - Once upon a different time - 8
Mallett, David - The horse I rode in on - 8+ Michaels, Jaime - If you fall -
Malojian - Southlands - 8 Michaels, Jaime - How to shine - 8
Malone, Michelle - Sugarfoot **** Michele, Chrisette - I am ***½
Malone, Michelle - Slings & arrows - 8 Mickelson -  - 8
Malouma - Dunya ****½ MickWee, Kelley - You used to live here - 9+
Maloumi, Driss el - Makan - Midler, Bette - Sings the Peggy Lee Songbook ***
Maltese, Matt - Driving for just to drive - Midón, Raul - A world within a world ****
Mamar Kassey - Tabousizzé-Niger - 9 Mieke, Anna - Theatre - 9
Mami, Cheb - Du sud au nord **** Mightmare - Cruel liars - 8
Mammal Hands - Animalia - 9 Mighty Magnolias - Unknown skyline - 8
Mancari, Becca - The greater part - Migliorelli, Frank & the Dirt Nappers - Bass, drums, guitar & organs - 7
Mancini, Pete - Killing the old ways - 8 Migliorelli, Frank & the Dirt Nappers - The things you left behind - 7
Mandell, Eleni - Thrill ** Mika - Love in cartoon motion ****
Mandell, Eleni - Let's fly a kite - 8- Mika - The boy who knew too much -
Mandell, Eleni - Dark lights up - Mika - No place in heaven - 7
Mandell, Eleni - Wake up again - 9 Mila, Jana Chameleon - 9
Manders, Kiki - Love is yours is mine - Mild High Club - Going going gone - 8
Manders, Kiki - Universe in a shoebox - 8 Miles, Lynn - Love sweet love ****
Mandeville, Liz - Heart 'o' Chicago - 7 Miles with Keith Glass, Lynn - Road -
Mando Diao - Hurrucane bar * Milian, Christina - It's about time **
Mandolin Orange - Tides in a teardrop - 9 Milk 2.0 - Tales of the unknown -
Manen, Eva van - De diepte in - 8 Milk, The - Favourite wrong - 7½
Manic Street Preachers - Lifeblood **** Millanta, Giulia - Moonbeam parade - 9
Mank & Sera Smolen, Tom - Unlock the sky - 8 Millanta, Giulia - Conversation with a ghost -
Mank & Sera Smolen, Tom - We still know how to love - 9 Millanta, Giulia - Tomorrow is a bird - 8½
Mann, Aimee - Lost in space **** Miller, Buddy - Cruel moon ***½
Mann, Aimee - The forgotten arm **** Miller, Buddy - Midnight and lonesome ***½
Mann, Aimee - Mental illness - Miller, Buddy - Universal united house of prayer ****½
Mann, Aimee - Queens of the summer hotel - 9 Miller, Buddy & Julie- Love snuck up ****
Mann, Kate - November songs **** Miller, Buddy & Julie- Breakdown on Eve. South - 9
Mannish Boy - Last ticket to rock 'n roll band - 7 Miller, Julie - Broken things ****
Manson, Jono - Silver moon - 8 Miller, Marcus - Free ***
Manson, Jono - Stars enough to guide me - 8 Miller, Miles - Solid ground - 9
Manu Chao - La radiolina **** Mills Band, Joy - Echolocator - 8
Marah - 20,000 Streets under the sky **** Mills Dalton - Dalton Mills - 9
Marah - If you didn't laugh, you'd cry ****½ Mills, Lisa - The triangle - 8
Marah - Angels of destruction ***½ Milow - Nice to meet you - 7
Marais, Samantha - The peppermint conspiracy **** Mina Tindle - Sister - 9
Mardi, Irene - Expectations - 9 Miners, The - Megunticook - 8
Marela, Briana - All around us - 7½ Mingus, Charles - Mingus ah um - 10
Marela, Briana - Call it love - 7½ Mingus Sextet, Charles - Cornall 1964 *****
Margret, Arny - The only talk about the weather - Minogue, Dannii - Neon nights **½
Mari, Teairra - Teairra Mari *** Minogue, Kylie - Body language ***½
Mardi, Irene - Expectations - 9 Minogue, Kylie - Showgirl homecoming live **
Maria, Tania - Intimidate **** Minogue, Kylie -  X ***½
Marías, The - Submarine - 8½ Minor Majority - Candy store ***
Marie, René - I wanna be evil - 8 Mint Julep - Stray fantasies -
Marie, Teena - Sapphire **** Minus Story - My iron truss ***
Marielle, Sandra - Six stories seven years - . Miossec - 1964 ***
Marillion - Marbles **** Mirah - C'mon miracles ****
Marillion - Somewhere else ****½ Miranda & Chris Franck - ....Present Zeep ***
Mario - Go! ** Misia - Canto ****
Mariza - Fado curvo ***** Misia - Drama box ****½
Mariza - Live in London (DVD) **** Misia - Oura vida (banda sonora) -
Mariza - Transparente **** Misia - Animal sentimental - 9
Mariza - Fado tradicional - Mission Of Burma - Onoffon ***
Mariza - Mariza - 9 Miss Kittin - I com ***
Marjorie Fair - Self help serenade **½ Miss Tess - Baby, we all know - 8
Mark, Carolyn - Nothing is free **** Missy Elliott - Under construction ****
Mark, Money - Brand new by tomorrow **** Missy Elliott - The cookbook ****
Markovic, Boban I Marko - Go Marko go! **** Missy Raines - Royal traveller -
Marlane, Alise - Stillness hold on **** Mis-Teeq - Lickin' on both sides ***
Marlijn - Mam - 9 Mister and Mississippi - We only part to meet again - 8
Marlin, Lene - Lost in a moment ** Misty River - Promises -
Marling, Laura - Alas, I cannot swim ** Mitchell & Debury Band, The - Beyond the rains ****
Marling, Laura - Once I was an eagle - 9½ Mitchell, Anaïs - Hymns for the exiled ****
Marling, Laura - Semper femina - 8 Mitchell, Anaïs - The brightness ****
Marling, Laura - Song for our daughter - Mitchell & Debury Band, The - Beyond the rains ****
Marling, Laura - Patterns in repeat - 9 Mitchell, Anaïs - Hymns for the exiled ****
Marlo, Clair - Let it go **** Mitchell, Anaïs - The brightness ****
Maroon 5 - Songs about Jane ** Mitchell, Anaïs - Xoa - 9-
Maroon 5 - It won't be soon before long **** Mitchell, Joni - Hejira -
Marr & the Healers, Johnny - Boomslang *** Mitski - Puberty 2 - 8
Mars Volta, The - Scab dates ** Mitski - Be the cowboy - 8
Mars Volta, The - The bedlam in goliath ** Moctar, Mdou - Afrique victime - 9
Marsalis, Wynton - The magic hour ** Moddi - Unsongs -
Martell, Hion - Trust me on this one - 7½ Moen, Elizabeth - Wherever you aren't - 8½
Marten, Billie - Flora fauna - 9 Mohawk - Essra - You're not alone ****
Martin, Amy - Deliverance ****½ Mojo Monkeys - Love and revolution - 8
Martin, Amy - Travelin' on - 8 Mojo Monkeys - The swerve - 8
Martin, Christina - It'll be allright - Moke - The time has come - 8
Martin & Jerry Marotta, Flav - Soul redemption - 8 Molecular Steve - Molecular Steve - 8½
Martin, Janet - Eve sessions - 8 Molina, Juana - Son ****
Martin, Ricky - Almas del silencio ***½ Molina, Juana - Halo - 8
Martin, Ricky - Life *** Molina, Ralph - Love & inspiration - 8½
Martin, Ricky - MTV Unplugged **** Molland, Solfrid - Hapets kappe - 10
Martina, Garbriela - States - 9 Moloko - Statues ***
Martyn, Ryan - Gimme me some light - 8 Moloko - Catalogue ****
Martyn, Ryan - Wandercease - 8 Momina, Yanna - Afar ways - 9
Martyn, Beverley - The phoenix and the turtle - 8 Monet, Aja - When the poems do what they do - 9
Marx, Richard - My own best enemy **** Money Chica - Echo en Mexico - 8
Masclé, Nathaly - Driven by the wind - Monheit, Jane - Never never land ****
Massey, David - Blissful state of blue **** Monheit, Jane - Taking a chance on love ***
Massey, David - Until the day is done - Monheit, Jane - Surrender ****
Massey, David - Late winter light - 8 Monica - After the storm **½
Massey, David - Darkness at dawn - 8 Monk & John Coltrane, Thelonious - Live at Carnegie Hall *****
Massey, Will T. - 30 Years in the rearview - 8 MonkeyJunk - All frequencies -
Massi, Souad - Deb **** Monroe, Ashley - Rosegold - 8
Massi, Souad - Mesk elil ***** Monsieur Dubois - Soul integration ****½
Massi, Souad - Oumniya - 9 Mönster - Life science - 8
Matera, Joe - Now and then - Monte, Marisa - Universo ao meu redor / Infinito particular ****½
Matheson, Karen - Downriver ***** Montecorvino, Pietra - Napoli mediterranea ****
Matia Bazar - Melanchólia **** Montgomery, Winston - Breakfast in Texas (and other excursions) - 8
Mattea, Kathy - Pretty bird - 9 Montoya, Coco - Songs from the road - 8+
Matthews Band, Dave - Busted stuff **** Montvales, The - Born strangers -
Matthews Band, Dave - The Central Park concert (DVD) **** Moock, Alastair - Let it go ***
Matthews Band Band, Dave - Stand up  **** Moock, Alastair - Fortune street ****
Matthews Band Band, Dave - Big whiskey & the GrooGrux King - Moody, Ruth - Wanderer  - 9
Matthews' Southern Comfort - Like a radio - 9 Moon Relay - Full stop etc. - 8
Matthews, Cerys - Never said goodbye  **** Moon Relay - IMI - 7
Matthews, Serena - Dreams for the broken  ** Moore, Abra - Everything changed ****
Mathur, Ajay - Little boat - 8 Moore, Bart - Wild flora  - 8
Mattson, Kalle - Someday the moon will be gold - Moore, Daniel Martin - Golden age  - 8
Maud - Wacht op mij *** Moore, Denai - We used to bloom  - 9
Maureens, The - Everyone smiles - Moore, Gary - Power of the blues ****
Mauro, José - Obnoxiuas - Moore, Gary - Close as you get **
Maurseth, Benedicte - Benedicte Maurseth - 9 Moore, Ian - Luminaria ****
Mavericks, The - The Mavericks ** Moore, Mandy - In real life  - 8
Maximo Park - Our earthly pleasures ***½ Moorer, Allison - The hardest part ****
May, Alison - Loved/dark - 8 Moorer, Allison - Miss fortune ****
May, Imelda - Life. Love. Flesh. Blood - 8½ Moorer, Allison - The duel ****½
May, Louise Le - A tale untold - 9 Moorer, Allison - Getting somewhere ****
Mayall, John - 70th. Birthday concert (DVD) ****½ Moorer, Allison - Mockingbird ****
Mayberry, Lauren - Vicious creature - Moorer, Allison - Down to believing -
Mayer, John - Heavier things **** Moorer, Allison - Blood - 9
Mayer, John - Where the light is - Moran, Jason - Black stars ***
Mayer, John - Sob rock - 7 Morby, Kevin - This is a photograph  - 8
Mayer, Richie - The inn of temporary madness - 8 Morcheeba - Parts of the process ****½
Mayes, Romi - Devil on both shoulders - 8½ Morcheeba - The antidote ****
Mayfield, curtis - There's no place like America today - 9 Moreland & Arbuckle - Promised land or bust - 8
Maysa - Smooth sailing ***** Moreland, John - Visitor - 8
Mazzotta, Maria - Amoreamaro - Moreno, Clara - Meu samba torto ****½
Mazzeltov - Amsterdam **** Moreno & Kenny Warner, Yoyce - Poesiá - 7
McAlpine, Lizzy - Older - Moreno, Joyce - Raiz - 9
McBride, Martina - Martina **** Moreno, Joyce - Cool -
McBryde, Ashley - The devil I know - Morente, Estrella - Mujeres ****½
McCalla, Leyla - A day for the hunter, a day for the prey - Morente, Estrella - Autoretrato - 8
McCalla, Leyla - Breaking the thermometer - 9 Morin, Cary - Tiny town - 9
McCartney, Paul - Chaos and creation in the backyard **** Morin, Cary - Cradle to the grave - 8
McCartney, Paul - Memory almost full **** Morningbird - Echoes in the meadow - 8
McCartney, Paul - MCCartney III - Moroney, Megan - Am I okay? - 9½
McClatchy & the Mercy Hung, Scott -  One time one night in America - 8 Morris, Andrew Maxwell - Well tread road - 8
McClement - The wild grips - 9 Morris, Charlotte - Wild child - 8
McClinton, Delbert - Cost of living **** Morissette, Alanis - So-called chaos ***
McClinton, Delbert - Prick of the litter - 8 Morissette, Alanis - Jagged little pill acoustic **
McCluskey, Angela - The things we do ***½ Morissette, Alanis - Such pretty forks in the road - 8
McConkey, Juliet - Disapperearing girl - 9 Morlix, Gurf - Caveband - 8
McCormack, Maria - Letters of the time - Morningwood - Morningwood **
McCreedy, Robert - It might kill you *** Morris, Maddie - Skin - 8½
McCue, Anne - Roll *** Morris, Maren - Hero - 8
McCue, Anne - Koala Motel **** Morris, Maren - Humble quest - 8
McCulloch, Ian - Slideling **** Morris, Sarah - Ordinary things -
McCutcheon, Boris - I'm here. Let me in - 9 Morrison, Angeline - The brown girl and other folk songs - 9
McDermott, Michael - Out from under - Morrison, James - Undiscovered ***½
McDonald, Michael - Motown two ***½ Morrison, Melanie - On the inside ****½
McDonnell, Kate - Where the mangoes are ***½ Morrison, Van - Enlightenment ***
McDonnell, Kate - Trapeze - 9 Morrison, Van - What's wrong with this picture? *****
McDonough, Jon - Surrounding colos - 8 Morrison, Van - Magic time ***
McEntire, H.C. - Lionheart - Morrison, Van - Pay the devil ***
McEvoy, Eleanor - The Thomas Moore Project - 9 Morrison, Van - Keep it simple ****
McFadden, Brian - Irish son *** Morrison, Van - Duets: Re-working the catalogue - 8
McGarrigle, Kate & Anna - La vache qui pleure ** Morrison, Van - Roll with the punches - 9
McGee, Kirsty - Two birds **** Morrison, Van - The prophet speaks - 8
McGraw - How to suffer - 9 Morrison, Van - Three chords and the truth - 8
McGuinness, Eugene - Chroma - Morrissey - You are the quarry ****
McHale, Rob - Prophets on the boulevard - 8 Morrissey - Live at Earls Court ***
McHone, Carson - Still life - 9 Morrissey - World peace is none of your business -
McInroe, Keegan - Uncouth pilgrims - Morrissey, Flo - Tomorrow will be beautiful -
McInroe, Keegan - A good old fashioned protest - 8 Morrissey & Matthew E. White, Flo - Gentlewoman, ruby man -
McKay - McKay ***½ Morrow, Sam - Gettin' by on gettin' - 8
McKay, Gus - Talisman - 8 Morse, Neal - One **½
McKay, Nellie - Pretty little head ****½ Morse, Neal - ? ****½
McKee, Maria - High drive ****½ Mortensen, Malene - Malene ****½
McKee, Maria - Peddlin' dreams **** Morten, Pete - The land of time - 8
McKee, Maria - Late december *** Morudes - Sinister beat - 7
McKee, Maria - La vita nuova - 8½ Moscow, Annie - Passing trains - 8
McKelle, Robin - Introducing Robin McKelle ****½ Moses, Teedra - Complex simplicity ***
McKelle, Robin - Heart of Memphis - 8 Moses, Teedra - Cognac & conversation -
McKelle, Robin - The looking glass - 7 Moss, Jessica - Pools of light - 8
McKelle, Robin - Alterations - 8 Møster - State of mind - 8
McKelvey & 33, Nolan - After the roses  ****½ Motian, Paul - Time and time again ***
McKelvey, Nolan - Into the silence - 8 Moulin, Marc - I am you ***
McKelvey, Nolan - Forward - 8 Mount Moriah - Mount Moriah -
McKenna, Lori - Bittertown ****½ Mountaineers - Lewis & Clark - 9
McKenna, Lori - Unglamorous *** Moura, Ana - Guarda-me a vida su mäo *****
McKenna, Lori - The bird and the rifle - 8 Moura, Ana - Aconteceu ****
McKenna, Lori - The balladeer - 9 Moura, Ana - Moura -
McKenna, Lori - 1988 - 9 Moving Units - Dangerous dreams ***
McKennitt, Loreena - An ancient muse *****½ Moyet, Alison - Voice ****
McKeown, Erin - Grand ****½ Moyet, Alison - The turn ***½
McKeown, Erin - We will become like birds ****½ Ms. Dynabite - Judgement day **½
McKinley, Arlo - The mess we're in - Ms. Thing - Miss Jamaica ****
McKnight, Brian - Gemini ***½ Mudfish - Mudfish - 7
McLachlan, Sarah - Afterglow **** Muguruza, Fermin - Nola? Irun meets New Orleans - 8
McLachlan, Sarah - Bloom remix album ***½ Muldaur, Maria - Love wants to dance ****
McLamb, Eliza - Going through it - Muldaur, Maria - Sweet lovin of soul ****
McLaughlin, John - Thieves and poets ***½ Muldaur, Maria - Naughty bawdy & blue ****½
McLean, Don - Botanical gardens - 8 Mulehead - Finer thing ****
McLean, Linda - No language **** Mulvey, Nick - First mind -
McLorin Salvant, Cécile - Dreams and daggers - 9 Mulvey, Peter - The knuckleball suite ****½
McLorin Salvant, Cécile - The Window - 10 Muna - Muna - 8
McLorin Salvant, Cécile - Mélusine - 9 Murat, Jean-Louis - Mockba ****
McMahon - Salt - Murlocs, The - Rapscallion -
McMurtry, James - Childish things ****½ Murlocs, The - Calm ya farm -
McMurtry, James - Complicated game - 8 Murphy, Chriis - The road and the stars - 8
McNally, Shannon - Geronimo ***** Murphy, Julie - Lilac tree ***
McNally, Shannon - Black Irish - Murphy, Julie - Every bird that flies - 9
McNally, Shannon - The Waylon Sessions - Murphy, Marianne - No longer blue **
McNaughton, Steve - Journeyman - 8 Murphy, Robb - Take a stand - 8
McNally & Neal Casal, Shannon - Ran on pure lightning ****½ Murphy, Robb - Sleep tonight - 8
McNiff, Jason - Joy and independence - 9 Murphy, Roisin - Ruby blue ****½
McQuaid, Sarah - Walking into white - 8+ Murphy, Roisin - Overpowered ****½
McQuaid, Sarah - If we dig any deeper it could get dangerous - Murr, Cornelia - Lake tear of the clouds -
McQuire, Mike - Southern attraction - Murray Infinity Quartet, David - Be my monster love - 9+
McRae, Kelley - Never be ****½ Murray, Eleanor - Burry me into the mtn - 9
McRae, Kelley - The wayside - Murray, Kristina - Southern ambrosia - 9
McRae, Tom - Just like blood **** Murry, John - The stars are god's bullet holes - 9
McRae, Tom - All maps welcome **** Muse - Black holes and revelations **
McRae, Tom - King of cards *** Musgraves, Kacey - Pageant material - 7
McRae, Tom - Did I sleep and miss the border - 8 Mushonga, Rina - The wild, the wilderness - 9-
McVie, Christine - In the meantime ** Mushonga, Rina - The wild, the wilderness - 8
Meade, Laura - Remedium - 9 Muth, Zoe - World of strangers - 8-
Meadow Creek - Pieces of driftwood - 8 Mvula, Laura - The dreaming room -
Meadowlake - Where the mountains meet the sea - Mvula, Laura - Pink noise - 9
Mean Mary - Cold - 9 Mya - Moodring ****
Mean Mary - Portrait of a woman part 1 - 9 My Chemical Romance - Three cheers for sweet revenge **
Mediaeval Baebes - Mirabilis **½ My Darling Clementine - Still testifying - 9
Mednick, Steve - Enogh! - 8 My Girl The River - Cardinals in the snow - 9
Mednick, Steve - 1952 - 8 My Morning Jacket - Z ****½
Meek, Buck - Haunted mountain - 8 My Sweetest Punch - My Sweetest Punch 2 - 8
Meena - Tell me - 8 Myhr, Kim - You/Me - 8
Meester, Leighton - Heartstrings - 7+ Myrkur - Folkesange - 10
Megalodon Collective - Animals - 5 Mystix, The - Can't change it - 8
Mehldau, Brad - House on hill **** Mystix, The - TruVine - 9


laatste update: 15-01-25