K, Sara - Hell or high water ****½ |
King Dalton - King Dalton -
8 |
K, Tove - Paying the birds to sing -
9 |
King Of Foxes - Salt & honey -
7 |
Kaada & Mike
Patton - Romances **** |
King Of The World - KOTW -
8+ |
Kaai Man -
Overkant -
8 |
King, BB - 80 *** |
Kaas, Patricia -
Piano bar **** |
King, Carole - The living room tour ***½ |
Kaas, Patricia -
Sexe fort **** |
King, Carole - Tapestry -
10 |
Kaas, Patricia -
Patricia Kaas -
9 |
King, Kaki - Until we felt red ****½ |
Kacy & Clayton -
Strange country -
7½ |
King, Marva - Soul sistah **** |
Kacy & Clayton -
Carrying on -
9 |
King, Natalia M. - Bluezinn t'il dawn -
8½ |
Kacy & Clayton
and Marlon Williams -
Plastoc bouquet -
9 |
King, Shelley - Building a fire -
9 |
Kadan, Katie -
Katie Kadan -
9½ |
King King - King King -
8 |
Kafka - Blueprint -
8 |
Kings Of Convenience - Riot on
an empty street **** |
Kaiyote, Hiatus -
Choose your weapon -
8½ |
King Of The Tramps - Wild water -
7½ |
Kaiser Chiefs -
Employment **** |
Kingsbury Manx - The fast rise
and fall of the south **** |
Kaiser Chiefs -
Yours truly, angry mob **** |
Kino - Picture **** |
Kaja - Origo -
7½ |
Kips, Sharon - 10 ***½ |
Kaja & Tetra -
Midvintervaka -
9 |
Kirby, Katy - Cool
dry place -
9 |
Kalfa, Sanem -
Nehir -
8 |
Kirk, Tobin - Tobin Kirk's waterworks -
8 |
Kalinec & KJ -
Let's get away -
8 |
Kirke, Lola - Heart head west -
8½ |
Kalinec, Brian -
The beauty of it all -
8 |
Kirkham, Stephanie
- That girl **½ |
Kalkun, Mari -
Ilmamõtsan -
9 |
Kirsten - Vanilla
***½ |
Kalli - While the
city sleeps ***½ |
Kitchen, Lucy - Waking -
8 |
Kalmering &
Stahlhammer Klezmer Classic, Anne - Vayter -
9 |
Kitaro - Ancient
****½ |
Kamelot - The
black halo ****½ |
Kits, Laura - Holy
fountain water -
8½ |
Kamerling, Antonie
- Feel *** |
Kitty Wu - The
rules of transportation ****½ |
Kaminer, Hannah -
Heavy on the vine -
9 |
Anne-Mari - Kylä -
7½ |
Kandi - Hey Kandi
***½ |
Kiwanuka, Michael
- Love & hate -
9 |
Kane - Fearless **** |
Kiwanuka, Michael
- Small changes -
9 |
Kane, Candye - Guitar'd and
feathered **** |
Kjelberg Band,
Eiwor - Stand out -
8 |
Kane, Christine - Right outta
nowhere **** |
Christian - Faya ****½ |
Kane, Duffy - Dead man walkin' -
8 |
Christian - Wild Hxmans -
8½ |
Kane, Susan - Mostly fine -
8 |
Klangstof - The
noise you make is silent -
9 |
Kann, August - How
did all those people get into my room -
8½ |
Klein & Sal La
Rocca, Dani -
8½ |
Kant, Jeroen - Nooit genoeg -
8½ |
Klein, Jeff - The
hustler **** |
Kanté, Nakany - Naka -
9 |
Klein, Jess - Learning faith -
8 |
Kanté, Djessou Mory - River
strings-Maninka Guitar -
9 |
Klein, Terry - Good luck, take
care -
9 |
Kanté, Mory - Sabou **** |
Kleinsma, Simone -
Simone sings Doris **** |
Kanzler, Jeff - Black top road
***½ |
Klemann, Monique - On patrol
**** |
Kaplan, Paul - Shall we stay here -
8 |
Klezmatics, The -
Rise up! ****½ |
Kaplansky, Lucy -
The red thread ****½ |
Kline, Léah - This precious
life -
9 |
Kaplansky, Lucy -
Ten year night **** |
Klippel, Mirja - Slow coming
alive -
9½ |
Kaplansky, Lucy -
Over the hills **** |
K'Naan - The dusty foot on the
road ***½ |
Kapok - Kapok -
8 |
Knarsetand - My escape -
9- |
Kapok - Glass to sand -
9 |
Knight, Beverley - Music city
soul **** |
Karaindrou, Eleni
- Dust of time -
9½ |
Knight, Chris - The jealous
kind ***½ |
Karbasi, Mor - La
Tsadika -
9+ |
Knight, Chris - Enough rope
***** |
Karijord, Rebekka
- Mother tongue -
8½ |
Knight, Demi - Budapest -
9 |
Karlsson, Sofia -
Visor fran vinden ***½ |
Knight, Gladys - Before me
****½ |
Karlstedt Band,
Lotta - A wish in the dark **** |
Knipp, Katie -
Take it with you
8 |
Karlzen, Mary - The wanderlust
diaries **** |
Knol & Blue Grass
Boogiemen, Tim - Happy hour
8 |
Karbasi, Mor -
Ojos de novia -
8 |
Knol, Tim -
Lightyears better -
8½ |
Karlsson, Calle - Monterey shores -
7 |
Knol, Tim -
Long live your friends -
9 |
Karsu - Colors -
9 |
Knopfler, Mark - Shangri-la
**** |
Kasabian - Kasabian ***½ |
Knopfler, Mark - Kill to get
Crimson **½ |
Kashalkar, Ulhas - Nilaya
**** |
Knopfler & Emmylou Harris, Mark
- All the roadrunning *** |
Kashka - Relax -
8 |
Knott, Lizanne -
Excellent day
8 |
Kashmir -
Zitilites ***½ |
Knott, Lizanne (with
Jesse Terry and Michael Logan -
Sunset avenue
8½ |
Kass, Judy -
Beyond the ash and steel -
9 |
Knox, Will -
Shedding + blooming
8 |
Kasulwe, Lwela -
Nipe suluhisho
- 8 |
Koch, Libby - Just
move on
8 |
Katché, Manu - Playground
***½ |
Koch-Emmery, Linn
- Being the girl
8 |
Kater, Kaia - Nine pin -
8½ |
Koité & Bamada,
Habib - Afriki ****½ |
Kater, Kaia - Strenge medicine -
9 |
Kok, Martine de -
Hard hout
8 |
Kathriner, Davis - Losing habits -
8½ |
Kolen, Dennis -
Hard road / Muddy track
9½ |
Katie Too - Nine lives
8 |
Kolen, Dennis -
Foreign affairs
9½ |
Katzenjammer - Rockland
8 |
Kolen, Dennis -
The journey inward
8 |
Katz Katz, Ilona - Subway stories -
8½ |
Kompania - Crisis
8 |
Kauffeld, Greetje - Young girl,
sunday jazz
8 |
Konan, Alexandra -
Alexandra Konan
9 |
Kauffeld, Greetje - A song for
9 |
Koning, Josee -
Recorded in Rio ***** |
Kåven, Elin - Jiknon
8 |
Koning, Josee -
Verdronken vlinder **** |
Kåven, Elin - Eamiritni
9 |
Koning, Josee -
Bem Brasiliero **** |
Kay, Rayna - Moondust in my
hand **** |
Koning, Josee -
Doce presença -
9 |
Kayak - Coming up for air
**** |
Kooks, The -
- 7½ |
Kayam - Omens -
9 |
Koole, Ricky -
Who's Suzy? ***½ |
Keane - Hopes and
fears **** |
Koole, Ricky -
Altijd iemand -
9 |
Kearney, Bridget - Won't let you down -
8 |
Koole with Ocobar, Ricky -
Ricky Koole with Ocobar -
9 |
Kearns, Pat - Down
in the wash
- 7½ |
Koop - Koop
islands ****½ |
Keating, Annie - Take the wheel **** |
Kooyate & Ngoni
Ba, Bassekou - Segu blue **** |
Keating, Annie - Make believing -
9 |
Kooymans & Carillo - Mirage -
8 |
Keating, Annie - Trick star -
9 |
Kornstad Trio, Håkon - Im Treibhaus -
8 |
Keating, Annie - Bristol county tides -
9 |
Kornstadt + Kork - Live -
8 |
Keating, Annie - Hard frost -
8½ |
Kosheen -
Kokopelli **½ |
Keating, Matt - Summer tonight **** |
Koskinen, Erik - America theatre -
8 |
Keating, Ronan - Turn it on **½ |
Kossa, Diom de - Wasso -
8 |
Keats, Simon - Falling stars -
8½ |
Koster Band, Leo - Rickies till dawn -
8 |
Keb' Mo - Keep it simple **** |
Kovacs - Shades of
black -
9½ |
Keb' Mo - Suitcase ***½ |
Kovacs - Cheap
smell -
9½ |
Keel, Sean - A dry scary blue -
8 |
Kovacs - Child of
sin -
9 |
Keener, Emily - I do not have to be good -
8½ |
Kowalski, Anja -
Wolke -
7 |
Keita, Salif - M'Bemba ****½ |
Kowlier, Flip -
September -
9 |
Kékéle - Kinavana **** |
Kozloff, Eileen -
Just words -
8½ |
Kelela - Raven -
9 |
Kraayenhof & Leoni
Jansen - Melancholy in the polder -
9½ |
Kelis - Tasty *** |
Kraaijeveld, Henk
- Passengers -
9 |
Keller, Jim - By no means -
8 |
Krafka, Leslie - On.ward -
8- |
Kelley, Irene - Pennsylvania coal -
8½ |
Kraftwerk -
Minimum-Maximum **** |
Kellner, Elly - Zinken & zweven -
8 |
Krall, Diana - The
girl in the orher room **** |
Kellogg, Stephen - Objects in the mirror -
9 |
Krall, Diana - From this moment
on **** |
Kelly, Amy - Uncover the sky *** |
Krall, Diana - The very best of
Diana Krall **** |
Kelly, Jadea - Love & lust -
8½ |
Krall, Diana - Wallflower
-7 |
Kelly, Kimberly - I'll tell you what's gonna happen -
9 |
Krall, Diana - Turn up the
-7 |
Kelly, Jadea - Roses -
9 |
Kramer, Jane - Carnival of
- 8 |
Kelly, R. -
Chocolate factory ***½ |
Krauss, Alison - Forget about
it **** |
Kelly & Jay Z, R.
- Unfinished business *** |
Krauss, Alison - Lonely runs
both ways **** |
Kelly, R. - Happy
people / U saved me ***½ |
Kravitz, Lenny -
Baptism **** |
Kelly's Lot -
Another sky -
8 |
Kravitz, Lenny -
It's time for a revolution ***½ |
Kendrick, Ranzel X
- Texas sagebrush -
8 |
Kravitz, Lenny -
Strut -
8 |
Kendrick, Ranzel X
- Texas cactus -
8 |
Krell, Elias - As
eli -
8 |
Kenge Kenge - Introducing ***½ |
Kreusch, Sylvie -
Montbray -
9 |
Kennedy, Drew -
Marathon -
8 |
Kreusch, Sylvie -
Comic trip -
8½ |
Kennedy, Harrison - Voice + story **** |
Krezip - What are
you waiting for ***½ |
Kent, Stacey - The boy next door ***½ |
Krieger, Allegra -
The joy of forgetting -
9 |
Kent, Stacey - Breakfast on the morning tram ****½ |
Krieger, Allegra -
Precious thing -
9 |
Kernochan, Lesley - A calm sun -
8½ |
Krieger, Allegra -
I keep my feet on the fragile plane -
9 |
Kester, Robin - Honeycomb shades -
9 |
Kries - Selo na
okuke/Village tracks -
9 |
Ketchum, Hal - I'm
the troubadour -
8 |
Krija - Krilja:
Roma songs from Russia and Eastern Europe -
9 |
Ketchup, Las -
Hijas del tomate ** |
Krilja - Sosnitsa -
8½ |
Kevin Costners,
The - Pick up the parts -
8- |
Kristine, Liv -
Enter my religion *** |
Keys, Alicia - The diary of Alicia Keys ****½ |
Kris - This old road ****½ |
Keys, Alicia - MTV Unplugged ****½ |
Kris - Closer to the bone -
9½ |
Keys, Alicia - As I am ****½ |
Kris - Feeling mortal -
9½ |
Keys, Alicia - Here -
7 |
Krokoff, Scott -
Realizations & declarations vol. 2 -
8 |
Keys, Dale - Dale Keys ****½ |
Kromm, Randall -
Rough and polished stones -
8 |
Keys, Stefanie - Open road -
8 |
Kronos Quartet -
Folk songs -
8½ |
Khaled - Ya-rayi ***½ |
Kronowitt, Pete -
A lone voice -
8 |
Khan, Chaka - Funk this **** |
Philip - The therapist -
9 |
Kheir, Amira - Alsahraa -
8 |
Philip - Wherever you are -
8½ |
Kheir, Amira - Mystic dance -
8 |
Kropf, Heather -
Chrysalis -
7½ |
Khoi, Mai - Dissent -
9 |
Kruit, Katja - Live a little more -
9 |
Kher & Kailasa, Kailash - Yatra (Nomadic souls) -
9½ |
Kuhr, Lenny -
Lenny Kuhr -
9½ |
Kiari, Lily - Fishing in the field -
8½ |
Kulnys, Erika -
Rise up -
7 |
Kibi James - Delusions -
8½ |
Kunder, Ben - Better
human -
8 |
Kidjo, Angelique - Djin djin **** |
Kurtz, Dayna - Postcards
from downtown ****½ |
Kidjo, Angelique - Mother nature -
9 |
Kurtz, Dayna - Beautiful
yesterday ****½ |
Kik, The - Jin -
8 |
Kurtz, Dayna - Another
black feather ****½ |
Kiki - Run with me **** |
Kurtz, Dayna - Rise and fall -
9 |
Kill Ferelli - Bastards and sweethearts -
8 |
Kushnir, Daniel - Nothing left to give -
7½ |
Kim - Kim is back **** |
Kuti, Femi & Made - Stop the hate / For(e)ward -
9 |
Kim-Lian - Balance ** |
Kuti, Seun - A long way
to the beginning -
8 |
Kimbrough, Will - Sideshow love -
7½ |
Kvernberg, Ola -
Steamdome -
5 |
King Ayisoba - 100 can die -
7½ |
Kweller, Ben - Ben
Kweller **** |
laatste update: 18-12-24