Jackes, Stephen - Groove Atlantic-O -
8 |
John, Mercy - This ain't New York -
8 |
Jacklin, Julia - Don't let the kids
win -
8½ |
John, Mercy - Nights on fire -
9 |
Jacklin, Julia - Pre pleasure -
9 |
Johns, Ethan - Silver liner -
8½ |
Jackson & Chris Boyne, Lynn - The
Acoustic Sessions
8 |
Johnson, Carly - Carly Johnson
- 9 |
Jackson, Janet - Damita Jo *** |
Johnson, Jack - On and on ***½ |
Jackson, Kate - British road movies -
7 |
Johnson, Jack - In between dreams
***½ |
Jackson, Lynn - Lionheart -
8½ |
Johnson and Friends, Jack - Curious
George **** |
Jackson, Wanda - Heart trouble **** |
Johnson, Jack - Sleep through the
static **** |
Band, Joe - Volume IV **** |
Johnson, Jillette - All I ever see in
you is me -
8½ |
Jackson Band, Joe - Afterlife **** |
Johnson, Jillette - It's a beautiful
day and I love you -
8½ |
Jackson, Joe - Rain ****½ |
Johnson, Justin - Rough edges -
8 |
Jackson, Joe - Fast forward -
9½ |
Johnson, Kelley - Something good
- 9 |
Jackson, Lynn - Songs of rain, snow
and remembering -
7½ |
Johnson, Molly - Another day
**** |
Jaskosn, Paris - Wilted
8 |
Johnson, Molly - If you know love
****½ |
Jacobs Band, Matt - Made of stone -
7 |
Johnson, Peter C. - Soul sherpa
**** |
Jacobs, Pi - A little blue -
9 |
Johnstone, Jude - On a good day
**** |
Jacobson, Hans Fredrik - ØRE -
7 |
Johnstone, Jude - Blue light
***½ |
Jacott, Ruth - Tastbaar *** |
Johnstone, Jude - A woman's work
- 9 |
Jager, Marike - The beauty around **** |
Johnstone, Jude - Living room
- 8½ |
Jager, Marike - The silent song
8 |
JoJo - JoJo **½ |
Jagged Soul - Come to me **** |
Joling, Gerard - Nostalgia *½ |
Jakobsen, Siv - The nordic mellow -
9½ |
Johnson, Brent - Set the world on fire -
9 |
Jakobsen, Siv - Gardening -
9 |
Johnson, Ethan - The reckoning -
9 |
Jagger, Stacy - Faded memories ***½ |
Jon & the Wreck, Robert -Ride into the
8 |
Jamelia - Thank you **½ |
Jonas, Karen - Country songs -
9 |
Jamelia - Walk with me ***½ |
Jonas, Karen - Lucky, revisited -
9 |
James, Bianca - Bianca James -
8½ |
Jonas, Karen - The rise and fall of American kitsch -
9 |
James, Cheyenna - Burn it up -
8 |
Jonathon, Michael - Cosmic banjo
8 |
James, Elena - Elena James ***½ |
Jonathon, Michael - Afterburn
8 |
James, Etta - Blues to the bone *** |
Jonathon, Michael - No cover volume 1
7 |
James, Jan - Calling all saints -
8 |
Jones, Billy - Roy on the hill -
7½ |
James, Jason - Seems like tears ago -
7½ |
Jones, Diana - My remembrance of you
****½ |
James, José - The dreamer ****½ |
Jones, Diana - Songs for a refugee
- 9 |
James, José - While you are sleeping -
9- |
Jones, Grace - Hurricane -10 |
James, José - Yesterday I had the blues -
9½ |
Jones, Kacey - Sings Mickey Newbury
****½ |
James, Leela - A change is gonna come **** |
Jones, Kacey - Amen for old friends
7½ |
James, Markus - Head for the hills -
8½ |
Jones, Laney - Golden road
8+ |
James, Susan - Sea glass -
9½ |
Jones, Laurie - Dark horse
8 |
James, Wendy - Racine 2 **½ |
Jones, Miriam - Between green & gone
8 |
Jamieson, Reid - The unavoidable truth ***½ |
Jones, Morgan-Harper - Up to the class -
8 |
Jamieson, José - Choosing -
9 |
Jones, Norah - Come away with me
***** |
Jamiroquai - Dynamite **** |
Jones, Norah - Feels like home
/ **** |
Jane & the 45's, Laurie - Laurie Jane
& the 45's -
8½ |
Jones, Norah - Live in 2004 (DVD)
**** |
Jane's Addiction - Strays *** |
Jones, Norah - Not too late ****½ |
Janes, Liz - Poison and snakes
*** |
Jones, Norah - The greatest hits
**** |
Janette & Joe Carter - Last of their
kind **** |
Jones, Norah - Day breaks -
9½ |
Janna, Sophie - Wide world
9 |
Jones, Norah - Begin again -
8½ |
Janne & De Vogels - In de regen
9 |
Jones, Norah - Pick me up off the
floor -
10 |
Jansen, Laura - We saw a light
9 |
Jones, Norah - Visions -
10 |
Jap Jap - Remixes compiled
8 |
Jones, Osborne - In the moment
8 |
Japanese Breakfast - Soft sounds from
another planet
8½ |
Jones, Ricky Lee - The sermon on
expedition boulevard ***½ |
Jarabe de Palo - Adelantando ***½ |
Jones, Ricky Lee - Kicks -
8 |
Jardier - Jardier
8 |
Jones, Ricky Lee - Pieces of treasure -
9 |
Jarosz, Sarah - Undercurrent
8½ |
Jones, Stacy - Love is everywhere -
8½ |
Jarosz, Sarah - World on the ground
9 |
Jones, Tom - Surrounded by time -
8 |
Jarré, Jean Michel - Aero ***** |
Jones & the Dap-Kings, Sharon - 100
Days, 100 Nights **** |
Jarré, Jean Michel - In China (2-dvd
+cd) ***** |
Jones & the Dap-Kings, Sharon - Give
the people what they want -
9- |
Jarré, Jean Michel - Revolutions
**** |
Jones & the Dap-Kings, Sharon - I
learned the hard way -
9½ |
Jarré, Jean Michel - Téo & Téa
****½ |
Jones & the Dap-Kings, Sharon -
Soul of a woman -
9½ |
Jarreau, Al - All I got **** |
Jones & Jools Holland, Tom - Tom Jones
& Jools Holland **** |
Jarreau, Al - Accentuate the positive
**** |
Jong, Michael de - Last chance romance
**** |
Jarreau, Al - My old friend -
celebrating George Duke
- 9+ |
Jong, Michael de - 23, Rue Boyer
**** |
Jarvie, Suzanne - Spiral road
- 9- |
Jong, Michael de - Echo from the
mountain **** |
Jason & the Scorchers - Halcyon times
- 9½ |
Jong, Michael de - The great illusion
***½ |
Javine - Surrender *** |
Jong, Timo - Kingdowm of mine
- 8 |
Jaydees, The - Solitude
8½ |
Jongh, Ralph de - Miko
9 |
Jayhawks, The - Rainy day music
**** |
Jonsson, Helgi - Intelligentle
- 8 |
Jayhawks, The - Paging Mr.
Proust - 8 |
Joos TVD - Open up my parachute
- 8 |
Jayhawks, The - Xoxo -
9 |
Joos TVD - Sagitario
- 8 |
Jazzamor - Travel... ****½ |
Joos TVD - Just say know
- 8 |
Jazzanova - Mixing **** |
Joos TVD - The fly on the wall routine
- 8 |
Jazzanova - Blue Note trip ***** |
Joos TVD - Doesn't ring a bell
- 8 |
Jazzbanditt & Eva Scholten - Oxymorons
& contranymphs
- 8½ |
Joos TVD - Suit yourself
- 8 |
Jenkins, Cassandra - On overview on
phenominal nature - 8 |
Joos TVD - Sand in my shoes
- 8½ |
Jenkins, Mary-Elaine - Hold still
9 |
Joos TVD - Put your fake in it
- 8 |
Jennings, Shooter - Electric Rodeo
***½ |
Jopek, Anna Maria - Secret **** |
Jennis - The mirror
7 |
Jorane - The you and the now ***½ |
Jessica Fletchers, The - Les
sophistication **** |
Jorge & Rogê, Seu - Seu Jorge & Rogê
9 |
Jesus, Zola - Taiga
7- |
Joseph, Anthony - Time
8 |
Jewel - 0304 *** |
Joseph, Jerry - The beautiful madness
8 |
Jewel - Goodbye Alice in Wonderland
**** |
Josslin, Russsell - Hey mathematician
8 |
Jewel - Picking up the pieces -
10 |
Joss, Chris - You've been spiked
**** |
Jewel - Freewheelin' woman -
9 |
Journey - Generations **** |
Jewell, Eilen - Letters from sinners
and strangers
**** |
Jovovic, Jelena - Heartbeat
8 |
Jewell, Eilen - Sea of tears
9½ |
Joy, Samara - Linger awhile
9 |
Jewell, Eilen - Sundown over ghost
- 8½ |
Joy, Samara - Portrait
9 |
Jewell, Eilen - Down hearted blues
- 8 |
Joyce - Rio Bahia ****½ |
Jewell, Eilen - Gypsy
9 |
Joyce & Tutty Moreno - Samba jazz &
outras bossas ****½ |
Jim - Impressed ** |
Joyce, Billie - One willing heart
****½ |
Jim and Jennie and the Pinetops -
Rivers roll on by **** |
Juanes - Un dia normal ***½ |
Jimenez, Maria - Canta por Sabina **** |
Juanes - Mi sangre ***½ |
Jinder - Willow park ***½ |
Juanes - La vida es un ratico
**** |
Joan As Policewoman - Real life **** |
Juanita, Hannah - Tennessee songbird
9 |
Joanna Gruesome - Peanut butter -
8 |
Judd, Wynonna - What the world needs
now *** |
Jocoy, Jess - Such a long way -
9 |
Juergensen, Chris - Big bad sun ***½ |
Jodymoon - The life you never planned on -
8 |
Juju Orchestra, The - Bossa Nova is not a crime **** |
Jodymoon - All is waiting -
9 |
Julian, Richard - Slow New York ***½ |
Jodymoon - A love brand new -
10 |
Jules, Gary - Trading snakeoil for wolftickets **** |
Jodymoon - Firestone -
9 |
Julie & Andrews - Ene sildring -
8½ |
Joe - And then **** |
June Star - Telegraph **** |
Joel, Billy - Piano man / The very best of *** |
June Star - Pull awake -
8½ |
Johan - THX Jhn **** |
June, Nina - Meet me at the edge of
our ruin
9 |
Johan - The great vacation -
8 |
June, Valerie - The order of time -
8½ |
John, Dr. - N'awlinz dis dat or d'udda
**** |
June, Stefany - Stefany June
7½ |
John, Dr. - Mercernary ***½ |
Jungklas, Rob - Blackbirds
8½ |
John, Elton - Greatest hits 1970-2002
**** |
Jurado, Damien - Visions of us on the
8 |
John, Elton - Peachtree road **** |
Jurado, Damien - In the shape of a
8½ |
John, Elton - The captain and the kid
***½ |
Jurado, Damien - The monster who hated
7 |
laatste update: 28-11-24