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Haale - No ceiling - Henry, Joe - The gospel according to water - 9
Hacienda Brothers - Hacienda Brothers **** Henry, Joe - All the eye can see - 9
Hackensaw Boys - Love what you do ***½ Henry, Katie - On my way - 8
Hacker, The - Rêves mécaniques *** Henry Girls, The - Far beyond the stars -
Hackman. Marika - We slept at last - 8 Hensley, Casey - Good as gone -
Hackman. Marika - Big sigh - 9 Hermosa - Coming home ****½
Haden, Charlie - Land of the sun **** Heroes, The - Zwolle - 8
Haden Lee, Emily - The woman I would be - 9 Herring, Caroline - Twilight ****
Haerle, David - Garden of Edendale - Herring, Caroline - Wellspring ****
Haevn - Wide awake - 8 Herring, Emily - Your mistake - 7
Hagen, Loretta - Lucky stars - Herring, Emily - Gliding - 8
Haima, Sytse- Rûs op ‘e line - Hersch, Melanie - Waiting for the moment  ****
Hajk - Hajk - 8 Hersh, Kristin - Hips and makers ****
Hajk - Drama - Hersh, Kristin - The Grotto ****
Hakim, Nick - Will this make me good - Hersh, Kristin - Learn to sing like a star ***½
Hal - Hal **** Herula, Donna - Bang at the door - 8
Håland -Bjøro - Tracks - 7 Het Zesde Metaal - Het langste jaar - 9
Halford & the Healers, Jeffrey - Lo-fi dreams - 8 Hewdie - The low lands by the sea -
Halgan, Sahra - Hiddo dhawr - 9 Heynderickc, Haley - I need to start a garden - 9
Hall & John Oates, Daryl - Do it for love ***½ Heynderickx, Haley - Seed opf a seed -
Hall & Oates - Our kind of soul ****½ Hiatt, John - Beneath this gruff exterior ****
Hall, Daryl - I can't stop dreaming ****½ Hiatt, John - Master of disaster ****
Hall, Trevor - In and through the body - 8 Hiatt, Lilly - Royal blue -
Hall, Rebecaa - Sunday afternoon **** Hiatt, Lilly - Walking proof - 9
Hallo Venray - Vegetables and fruit ***½ Hickman, Johnny - Palmhenge ***½
Hallo Venray - Coffee and cake - Hickory Signals - Noise of the waters -
Halo Maud - Celebrate - 9 Hicks, Joe - Life of contradiction - 10
Halstead, Jenee - Disposable love - 9 Hield, Fay - Old Adam - 9
Halstead, Logan - Dark black coal - 9 High Dials, The - War of the wakening phantoms ****
Halva - Dinner in Sofia - High, Martha - Tribute to my soul sisters -
Hamel, Wouter - Hamel **** Highwomen, The - The High Women  - 9
Hamel, Wouter - Amaury - Hill, Andrew - Change ****½
Hamilton, Anthony - Soulife ****½ Hill, Clara - Restless times ***½
Hamilton, Sara - Call my name **** Hill, Clara - Walk the distance - 7+
Hamilton, Scott - Kline, Léah - Tandoi, Francesca - Triple treat - 9 Hill, Faith - Fireflies ***½
Hammond, Sven - IV- 7 Hill, Matt - Savage pilgrims -
Hancock, Herbie - Possibilities ***½ Hill & the Muskogee Few, Robert - Robert Hill & the Muskogee Few - 6
Hancock, Herbie - The Imagine Project - Hill & Joanne Lediger, Robert - Revelation - 8
Handsome Family, The - Unseen - 8½ Hill, Steve - Desert trip - 8
Hanggai - Introducing - 10 Hille, Veda - Here is a picture ****
Hannah, Victoria - Victoria Hannah - Hillered, Eva - New me -
Hannigan, Lisa - At swim - 9 Hillman, Chris - The other side **
Hansard, Glen - Between two shores - 9 Hillman, Chris - Bidin' my time -
Hansard, Glen - This wild willing - 8 Hillsborough - Coming back for you - 8
Hansdóttir, Gudrin - Gult myrkur - 9 Hilton, Paris - Paris **½
Hanson, Marla - Dust - Hind - Around the world **½
Hanson, Lynne - 7 Deadly spins - 8 Hind - Halfway home ****
Hanson, Lynne - River of sand - 8 Hinds, Wren - Don't die in the bundle - 9
Hanson, Lynne - Just words - Hine, Thomas - Some notion or novelty - 8
Hanson, Lynne - Uneven ground - 9 Hinely, Donal - We built a fire ****
Hanson, Lynne - Ice cream in november - 9 Hinkle, Anya - Eden and her borderlands -
Happy Camper - The both of us - Hinojosa, Tish - A heart wide open ***½
Harding, Aldous - Aldous Harding - Hinojosa, Tish - Our little planet -
Harding, Aldous - Party - 9 Hinojosa, Tish - After the fair - 8
Hardpan - Hardpan - 8½ Hinojosa, Tish - With a guitar and a penn - 9
Hardy, Ange - The lament of the black sheep - 9+ Hinson, Micah P. - And the Holy Strangers - 8½
Hardy, Ange - Esteesee - His Golden Messenger - Hallelujah anyhow - 8½
Hardy, Ange - Bring back time - Hives, The - Tyrannosaurus hives **½
Hardy & Lukas Drinkwater, Ange - Findings - Hobbs, Pierceton - Tell me how you feel -
Hardy, Bella - With the dawn - 8½ Hobotalk - Homesick for nowhere ****
Hardy, Bella - Love songs - 9 Hoehn, Jim - Deadline penitentiary ****
Hardy, Françoise - Tant de belles choses ***½ Hoffman - Choreography ****½
Hare, Fiona - Keep me wild - 10 Hofstede, Henk - Het draagbare huis ****½
Harlan, Matt - Best beast - 8 Hoge, Hakon - Nights at surf motel - 8
Harlem Lake - A fools paradise - 8 Hoge, Will - Small town dreams - 8½
Harmer, Geirgia - Stay in touch - 9 Holcomb & the Neighbors, Drew - Souvenir -
Harmer, Sarah - All of our names **** Holcombe, Malcolm - Another wisdom ****½
Harmer, Sarah - You were here ****½ Holcombe, Malcolm - For the mission baby -
Harmer, Sarah - I'm a mountain ****½ Holcombe, Malcolm - Pitiful blues - 8½
Harmonica Shah - Listen at me good ***½ Holcombe, Malcolm - The RCA Sessions - 9
Harnett, Caitlin - The river runs north - 8+ Holcombe, Malcolm - Come hell or high water - 9
Hark! en Co! - My treasures / R.L. Stevenson - 9½ / 9 Holcombe, Malcolm - Tricks of the trade - 8
Hark! en Co - The playfull haziness of art - 8½ Holder, Ali - Uncomfortable truths -
Harp And A Monkey - War stories - 8 Holiday, Billie - Lady in satin - 10
Harper, Ben - Diamonds on the inside **** Holland Big Band, Dave - Overtime ***½
Harper, Ben - Lifeline ****½ Holland, Fabian - Fabian Holland - 8
Harper and the Blind Boys of Alabama, Ben - There will be a light ****½ Holland, Jolie - Escondida ****½
Harris & The Ferdinandos, Jesse - The secret sun **** Holland, Jolie - Springtime can kill you ***½
Harris & The Ferdinandos, Jesse - While the music lasts ****½ Holland, Jolie - Wine dark sea - 8½
Harris, Corey - Mississippi to Mali **** Holland, Jolie - Haunted mountain -  9
Harris, Corey - Daily bread ***** Holland & Samantha Parton, Jolie - Wildflower blues - 9
Harris, Emmylou - Pieces of the sky - 9 Holland, Jools - Swinging the blues, dancing the ska ****
Harris, Emmylou - Red dirt girl **** Holliday, Floramay - Troube & a truer sound ****½
Harris, Emmylou - Stumble into grace ***½ Hollow Coves - Moments - 8
Harris & Rodney Crowell, Emmylou - The travelling kind - 8 Holmes, Christina - Peace, love and C. Holmes - 7+
Harris, Jesse - Mineral **** Holter, Julia - Have you in my wilderness -
Harrison, George - Cloud nine ****½ Holy Motors - Horse - 8½
Harrison, George - Brainwashed ***½ Hooker jr., John Lee - Cold as ice ****½
Harrison, George - Let it roll - 7 Holmes Brothers, The - State of grace ****½
Harrison, Joel - Free country ****½ Holmes, Kit - You took the blues - 6
Harry, Deborah - Necessary evil *** Homesick, The - The big excercise - 9
Hart, Beth - Leave the light on ***½ Homunculus Res - Come si diventa ció che si era - 8
Hart, Beth - Live in Paradiso (DVD) ***** Honing Acoustic Quarter, Yuri - Goldbrun - 8
Hart, Beth - 37 Days ***½ Hooks, Ellis - The hand of god ****½
Hart, Beth - 37 Days - Hooks, Ellis - Godson of soul ****½
Hart, Esther - Straight from the Hart ** Hooks, Ellis - Another saturday morning ****
Hart, Lorin - Love come back- 8 Hoop, Jesca - Kismet ****½
Harte, Leanne - Leanne Harte **** Hoop, Jesca - Memories are now - 9
Hartman, Géonne - He went to the sea - 9 Hoop, Jesca - Stonechild -
Harty, Josh - Handcrafted- 8 Hoop, Jesca - Order of romance - 9
Harvell, Cyndi - Heartache & revolution - 8 Hoorweg & Robin Nolan, Kim - The boulevard of broken dreams - 8
Harvey, P.J. - Stories from the city, stories from the sea **** Hoorweg, Kim - Untouchable - 9
Harvey, P.J. - Uh huh her **** Hooverphonic - The magnificent tree ****
Harvey, P.J. - White chalk **** Hooverphonic - Sit down and listen to ****
Harvieu, Ren - Revel in the drama - 9½ Hooverphonic - President of the LSD golf club ****
Hat Check Girl - Two sides to every story - 8 Horn, Jana - Optimism- 9
Hat Check Girl - Cold smoke - Horn, Nina van - Nina sings....Simone - 8
Hat Check Girl - Kiss me quick - 9 Horne Band, Lindsey - Lindsey Horne Band ****
Hatfield, Juliana - In exile deo **** Hornsby, Bruce - Halcyon days ***½
Hatfield, Juliana - Weird and wonderful tales - 9 Horsegirl - Versions of modern performance - 9
Hatfield, Stephanie - Out this fell - 8 Horsnell, Melanie - The adventures of ****
Hatfield's End - Stonehenge 5: Revealing the myth ***** Horsnell, Melanie - Trobairitz -
Hatfield's End - Concierto de Stonehenge ****½ Horton, Heather Luynne - Get me a nunnery -
Hathaway, Donny - These songs for you live ***** Hosking, Rita - Come sunrise - 9½
Hathaway, Lalah - Outrun the sky **** Hosking, Rita - Frankie and the no-go road - 8
Hatherley, Charlotte - The deep blue **** Hoth Brothers Band - Tell me how you feel -
Hattink, Paul - No limits **** Hothouse Flowers - Into your heart **
Hatherley, Charlotte - The deep blue **** House Of Cosy Cushions - Spell - 9-
Haua, Grant - Awa blues - 9 Houston, Whitney - I'm your baby tonight ***½
Havas, Lianne La - Is your love big enough? - 9½ Houten, Jelka van - Hard place for a dreamer -
Hattink, Paul - No limits **** Howard, Brittany - What now - 8½
Hawkins, Sophie B. - Wilderness *** Howard, Rebecca Lynn - No rules -
Hawksley Workman - For him and the girls **** Howe, alice - Circumstance - 8
Hawley, Richard - Cole's corner ****½ Howl, Justin - Wanderlust - 7
Hawley, Richard - Lady's bridge ****½ Höyem, Sivert - Moon landing -
Hawley, Richard - In this city they call you love - 9 Hozier - Hozier - 8-
Hawthorne, Madeline - Tales from late nights & long drives - 8 Hubbard, Ray Wylie - Growl ****½
Hay & JB Meijers, Barry - Fiesta de la vida - 8 Hubbard, Ray Wylie - Tell the devil I'm gettin' there as fast as I can - 9
Hayes, Gemma - Night on my side **** Hudson, Cary - Cool Breeze ***½
Hayes, Gemma - The roads don't love you ***½ Hudson, Cary - Ole blue - 8
Hayes, Lisa - Where angels fear to go **** Hudson Bnad, Simon - Earthman - 8
Haze, Esther von - Esther von Haze - Hues, Fana - Mother road - 9
Hazes, André - Strijdlustig *** Huff, Mark - Stars for eyes - 8
Hazes, Rachel - De tijd gaat mooie dingen doen - 9 Hugh, Grayson - Back to the soul -
Hazlett - Bloom mountain - 8½ Hughes Band, Sarah - Memphis - 8
Healthy White Baby - Healthy White Baby *** Hughes, Donna - Gaining wisdom ****
Healy, Martha L - Keep the flame alight - Hughes, Glenn - Soul mover ****
Heart - Jupiter's darling ***½ Hughes, John - Wild ocean ****½
Heavy Heavy, The - Life and life only - Hunger, Sophie - Supermoon - 8½
Hecker, Maximilian - Lady sleep ***½ Huisman, Michiel - Luchtige verhalen ***
Hector, Billy - Old school thang - 7½ Huizinga, Ilse - Here's to Maya Angelou -
Heeringen, Vera van - Won't be broken - 9 Huijs, Etan - The road and the wilderness - 9
Hees, Sven van - Exotica ***** Hull, Sierra - Weighted mind - 9
Heigh Chief - Heigh Chief - 8 Humberstone, Holly - Paint my bedroom black -
Hekkers, Rafael - Blue mantra - 8 Humbird - Right on - 9
Heller, Sonya - 17 West - Humpfrey-McKeown - Tapestry of shadows - 9
Hello Darlins, The - Tje alder & the ashes - 9 Hunt, Kelley - The beautiful bones - 8
Helm, Amy - Didn't it rain - 8½ Humt, Kelly - Even the sparrow - 9
Helm, Amy - This too shall light - 9 Hunter, James - People gonna talk ****½
Helm, Amy - What flood leaves behind - 9 Hurray For The Riff Raff - Small town heroes - 9+
Helm, Amy - Silver city - 9 Hurray For The Riff Raff - The Navigator - 9
Helseth, Tine Thing  - Never going back- Hushman - Hushman -
Hemby, Natalie - Puxico - Husky - Ruckers hill - 9
Henderson, Caroline - Love or nothin' ***½ Husky - Punchbuzz -
Hendrikse - Where the road takes me - Husky Tones - Who will I turn to now? - 8
Hendrikse - Only the songs remain - 8 Hussain, Ustad Zakir - Rhytmic impressions ****½
Hendrix, Terri - The art of removing wallpaper **** Hustinx & Southern Aces, Jack - Over yonder -
Henley, Don - Cass county - 9 Hut, William - Days to rember ****
Henriksson, Deborah - Traces - 9 Hval, Jenny - Innocence is kinky - 9
Henriksson, Deborah - Near and far - Hval, Jenny - Apocalypse, girl - 8
Henry & Hannah Martin, Phillip - Edgelarks - 9 Hval, Jenny - Classic objects - 9
Henry, Joe - Tiny voices **** Hynde, Chrissie - Stockholm -
Henry, Joe - Blood from stars - Hyslop, Joshua - Evergold - 8
Henry, Joe - Civilians ****½ Hyvönen, Frida - Until death comes ****½
Henry, Joe - Invisible hour - 8  


laatste update: 05-02-25