Fabian, Lara - Nue **** |
Flaherty Band, The Helen - Gazing the moon -
8˝ |
Thunderbirds, The - Painted on *** |
Flaming Lips, The
- Yoshini battles the pink robots
**** |
Faccini, Piers -
Two grains of sand -
9˝ |
Flaming Lips, The
- King's mouth -
8 |
Faeland - When I
close my eyes -
9 |
Flannery, Mick - Mick Flannery -
8˝ |
Fagen, Donald -
Morph the cat ****˝ |
Flatlanders, the -
Now again
*** |
Marianne - Strange weather **** |
Flatlanders, the - Wheels of fortune
**** |
Marianne - Before the poison **** |
Fleet Foxes - Shore -
8 |
Marianne - Easy come, easy go -
10 |
Fleet Foxes - Crack-up -
8 |
Faithless - No roots *** |
Fleetwood Mac - Say you
will *** |
Faithless - To all new
arrivals ****˝ |
Fleur, Kissy - Ripened
fruit -
9 |
Falkow, Nancy - Clear
view ***˝ |
Fleurine - Fire **** |
Fallon, Brian - Painkillers
- 8 |
Fleurine - Fire -
9 |
Faltskög, Agnetha
- My colouring book ***˝ |
Flock Of Dimes - Head of roses -
8˝ |
Fara - Cross the
line -
8 |
Flogging Molly - Within a mile of home ***˝ |
Farao _ Till it's
all forgotten -
9 |
Flook - Ancora -
9 |
Farka Touré & Toumani Diabaté, Ali - In the heart of
the moon ***** |
Floortje - Fearless *** |
Farka Touré, Ali - Savane ***** |
Florence + the Machine - How big, how blue, how
beautiful -
8˝ |
Farka Touré, Vieux - Vieux Farka Touré ****˝ |
Flores, Mabel - Meraki -
8 |
Farmer, Mylene -
Avant que l'ombre ***˝ |
Florist - Florist -
9 |
Farrell, Lucy - We
are only sound -
9 |
Flower, Mary - When my bluebird sings -
8+ |
Farrell, Rachelle - Live in
Montreux 91-97 ** |
Flowriders - R.U.E.D.Y. ****˝ |
Farroukh, Toufic -
Tootya **** |
Flyin' A's, The - You drive me crazy -
8 |
Fashion, The - The
Fashion ***˝ |
Flynn, Spike - Just this side of here -
8˝ |
Fastball - Keep
your wig on **˝ |
Fogerty, John - Deja vu (All over again) *** |
Fatboy Slim - Palookaville ** |
Fogerty, John - Revival ***˝ |
Fatima, Maria de - Fado vivo **** |
Folds, Ben - Songs
for silverman
****˝ |
Fatima, Maria de - Alma ****˝ |
Folds, Ben - What
matters most -
9 |
Faulkner, Tom - Raise the roof **** |
Foley, Sue -
***˝ |
Faun - Licht ***˝ |
Foley, Sue - New
used car
**** |
Fauss, Ronnie - Built to break
- 8 |
Folkapotamus - Middle of nowhere -
7˝ |
Favez - Bellefontaine avenue **** |
Follia! - Nachtegael -
9 |
Fay, Bill - Countless branches -
9 |
Fonseca, Celso -
**** |
Fay, Kalyn - Bible belt -
8 |
Fonseca, Celso -
Rive gaucho rio
****˝ |
Fay, Kalyn - Good company -
8 |
Fonseca, Roberto -
***˝ |
Fayssoux - I can't wait -
7˝ |
Fontaine, Claude - Claude Fontaine -
8 |
Fazzari, Vinny - Live life long -
8˝ |
Ford, Elijah & the Bloom
- As you were -
8 |
Fearing, Stephen - Between hurricanes -
8 |
Ford, Frazey - Indian
ocean -
9˝ |
Fearing, Stephen - Every soul's a sailor -
7˝ |
Ford, Frazey - U kin B
the sun -
9 |
Feeder - Pushing the senses ***˝ |
Ford, Jim - The sounds of our time **** |
Feeling, The - Twelve stops and home *** |
Ford, Marc - Holy ghost
8˝ |
Feeny, Catherine - Catherine Feeny **** |
Ford, Robben - Keep on running **˝ |
Feeny, Catherine - Hurrican glass ***˝ |
Ford, Robben - Truth **** |
Fehling Trio, Annika - In the universe -
9 |
Ford, Robben - Truth -
7˝ |
Feiertag - Time to recover -
8 |
Fordham, Julia - Concrete love ***˝ |
Feiles, Arlan - Razing a nation ***˝ |
Fordham, Julia -
Julia Fordham
**** |
Feist - The reminder ***˝ |
Foreigner - Inside
***˝ |
Feist - Pleasure -
9 |
Forevermoor - Safari season -
8 |
Feist - Multitudes -
9 |
Forro in the Dark
Bonfires of Jăo Joăo
**** |
Felden, Greg - Made of strings -
8 |
Forsman, Ina - Ina Forsman -
9 |
Felice, Ian - In the kingdowm of dreams -
9 |
Forsman, Ina - Been meaning to tell you -
9˝ |
Féline, La - Vie future -
9 |
Forsman, Ina - All there is -
9 |
Féline, La - Tarbes -
9 |
Fortes, Melissa - Sonho de um beija-flor -
8 |
Fennesz - Black sea -
9˝ |
Foster, Josephine - Hazel eyes, I will lead you **** |
Ferdinand, Franz - Franz Ferdinand **** |
Foster, Radney - This world we live in **** |
Fellow Pynins - Hunter & the hunted -
7˝ |
Foster, Ruthie - Runaway soul ***** |
Fellows, Christine - The last one standing ***˝ |
Foster, Ruthie - Stages ****˝ |
FERD - Music without borders -
9 |
Fotso, Kareyce - Mokte -
9 |
Fergie - The Dutchess **˝ |
Fountain, Reb -
Reb Fountain -
9˝ |
Ferguson, Lindsay - Chameleon -
7˝ |
Fountain, Reb -
Iris -
9 |
Ferna - Understudy -
9 |
Fowler, Damon - Sounds
of home -
9- |
Ferrer, Ibrahim -
Buenos Hermanos
**** |
Fowler, Damon - Barnyard
smile -
8 |
Ferrer, Ibrahim -
Mi sueńo
***** |
Foxwarren - Foxwarren -
9 |
Ferrell, Rachel -
Individuality (Can I be me!)
****˝ |
Foy, Chloe - Where shall
we begin -
9 |
Ferrell, Sierra - Long
time coming
9 |
Fra Fra Sound - Kula
wroko kibri -
8 |
Ferrell, Sierra - Trail
of flowers
9 |
Fracasso, Michael - Here
come the savages -
8˝ |
Ferro, Tiziano -
Rosso relativo
***˝ |
Fradkin, Les - The cross
in the sky -
7˝ |
Ferry, Bryan -
*** |
Frames, The - The cost ****˝ |
Ferry, Bryan -
Boys and Girls
***˝ |
Frampton, Peter -
Frampton comes alive! -
10 |
Ferry, Bryan -
***˝ |
Frances, Aoife Ness -
Protector -
9 |
Feufollet - Two
7˝ |
Francis, Angelique -
Long river -
8˝ |
Fia - Made of stars
9˝ |
Franklin, Aretha - Jewels in the crown ****˝ |
Fields, Dave - All in
8 |
Franklin, Aretha - Sings the great diva classics -
9 |
Fields, Lizz - By day by
*** |
Franks, Michael - Rendezvous in Rio ***˝ |
Fields, Martha -
Southern white lies
8 |
Fraser, Maggie - The way
that I wish it was -
8 |
Fields, Martha -
Dancing shadows
8˝ |
Frazer, Aaron - Into the
blue -
8 |
Figueiredo, Diego -
Broken bossa
8 |
Frazer, Paula - Leave the sad things behind ***˝ |
Filthy Nelly -
Tranquilize -
8˝ |
Freakwater - Scheherazade -
9 |
Finch & Seckou Keita, Catrin - Soar
- 9 |
Fred and the Healers -
Hammerbeatmatic -
8 |
Fines, Rick - Solar
powered too -
8˝ |
Free - The Free
**** |
Fink - Beauty in your
wake -
8 |
Freebo - Before
the separation
***˝ |
Finlin, Jeff - The guru
in the girl -
8˝ |
Freeman, Dori - Do you
recall -
8 |
Finlin, Jeff - Soul on
the line -
8˝ |
Freeman, Grace - Shadow -
8 |
Finn Brothers, The -
Everyone is here
**** |
Freling, Conrad -
Never gonna change the world -
9 |
Finn, Neil - Dizzy
heights -
8˝ |
Freund, Tom - Two
moons -
8 |
Finn & Paul Kelly, Neil
- Goin' your way -
8˝ |
Frida Orginal
**** |
Finn, Tim - Imaginary
**** |
Friedberger, Eleanor -
New view -
8˝ |
Fiolministeriet - Et nyt liv
- 9 |
Fripp & Eno -
Evening star -
9˝ |
First Aid Kit
- Ruins -
8 |
Fristap - Het Transland
8 |
Fischer & Timbazo, Nils - Rumberos a montón
- 9 |
Frontier Index -
Frontier Index
*** |
Fischer-Z - Swimming in
the thunderstorm -
8˝ |
Froukje - Noodzakelijk
verdriet -
9 |
Fischer-Z - Til the
oceans overflow -
8 |
Fry, Byron - Explosive
8 |
Fish, Samantha
- Wild heart -
8˝ |
Fry, Mark - South wind,
clear sky -
9 |
Fish, Samantha
- Kill or be kind -
9 |
Fuchs, Dana - Love lives
on -
9 |
Fite, Tim - Gone ain't
****˝ |
Furious Seasons, The -
La Fonda
7˝ |
Fits & Cara Robinson,
Hat - Do tell -
7˝ |
Frusciante, John -
The will to death
*** |
Fitzroy, Izo - How the mighty fall
- 9 |
Frost, Ben - Aurora
8˝ |
Five Corners Quintet, The - Hot corner
- 9˝ |
Fulks, Robbie - Georgia hard ****˝ |
Five For Fighting
- The battle for everything
**** |
Furtado, Nelly - Folklore ***˝ |
Fizzotti, Emanuele -
Manny's blues -
8+ |
Furtado, Nelly - Loose *** |
Flaa , Einar - Silent
string -
8 |
Fussell, Jake Xerxess -
When I'm called
8˝ |
Flaata*Eckles*Busk - A
thing called love/Thje gospel album -
7 |
Future, Steve - 7 Cities
7 |
Flaata, Paal - Come
tomorrow -
8˝ |
Fygi, Laura - At
Ronnie Scott's *** |
Flaata, Paal - Love and
rain -
8 |
Fygi, Laura -
Rendez-vous ***˝ |
laatste update: 23-12-24