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Caamp - Lavender days - 8 Clapton, Eric - I still do - 8
Cabrel, Francis - Les beaux dιgβts **** Clark, Alain - Alain Clark ***
Cafe Des chansons ft. Charlotte Haesen - Du bout des yeux - 9 Clark, Alain - Live it out ****½
Caiani, Ana Luca - Vou ficar neste quadrado - 9 Clark, Alain - Colorblind - 10
Caillat, Colbie - Coco ***½ Clark, Alain - Generation love revival - 10
Cain Band, Gary - Twangadelic bluesophunk - 7 Clark, Andy - I love Joyce Morris -
Cairo, Celine - Free fall - 8 Clark, Brandy - Brandy Clark - 8
Cale, JJ. - To Tulsa and back **** Clark, Gene - No other *****
Cale & Eric Clapton, JJ - The road to escondido ****½ Clark, Guy - Workbench songs **
Cale, John - Paris 1919 - Clark, Kerry Patrick - What a show -
Cale, John - Black acetate **** Clark, W.C. - From Austin with soul ****
Calexico - Hot rail **** Clark Green, William - Rose queen -
Calexico - Feast of wire **** Clarke, Josienne - A small unknowable thing - 9
Calexico - Garden ruin *** Clarke, Josienne - Now & then - 9
Calexico - Edge of the sun - 8 Clarke, Josienne - Onliness: songs of solitude & singularity - 9
Calexico and Iron Wine - In the reins **** Clarke, Josienne - Paranthesis, I - 9
Calexico - Edge of the sun - 8 Clarkson, Kelly - Breakaway ***½
Calicos - Supergoat it - 9 Clarkson, Kelly - Chemistry -
Calister, Izaline - Mariposa ***** Claw Boys Claw - Pajama day ***
Calister, Izaline - Krioyo ***** Claw Boys Claw - Kite - 8½
Calister, Izaline - Kanta Helele ****½ Clean Pete - Al zeg ik het zelf -
Calister, Izaline - Speransa - Clean Pete - Aan het licht - 8
Calister, Izaline - Kandela - Clean Pete - Afblijven - 8
Calister, Izaline - Rayo di Lus - 9 Clearlake - Amber ***
Calkar, Inge van - Inge van Calkar - 8 Cleaves, Slaid - Wishbones ****
Calkar, Inge van - Reset - 8 Cleaves, Slaid - Unsung ****½
Callahan, Deb - Sweet soul - Cleaves, Slaid - Still fighting the war -
Callery, Allysen - Ghost folk - 9 Cleaves, Slaid - Ghost on the car radio - 8½
Callier, Terry - Coming home - Cleaves, Slaid - Together to the dark -
Calling, The - Two *** Cleef, Andrea - Tropic of nowhere - 8
Cam - Untamed - 7½ Clem Snide - Forever just beyond -
Camera Obscura - Underarchievers please try harder ****½ Clementine - Letting go - 9
Camera Obscura - Look to the east, look to the west - 8½ Clementine, Benjamin – At least for now - 8
Cameron, Steph - Sad-eyed lonesome lady - 9+ Clerc, Julien - Double enfance ***½
Cameron, Steph - Daybreak over Jackson Street - Cleveland, Shana - Manzanita - 8
Camille - Le fil **** Clientele, The - I am not there anymore - 9
Camille Camille - Could you lend me your eyes - 9 Clynes, Susan - Love is... - 6½
Camille, Sarah - Vεkner i en annen dag - 9 Coal Porters, The - No. 6 - 8
Cammariere, Sergio - Dalla pace del mare lontano ** Coba, Rachelle - Mother blues -
Campbell, Isobel - There is no other - 9 Cobb, Brent - Shone on rainy day - 8½
Campbell, Isobel - Bow to love - 9 Coburn, Amerlia - Between the moon and the milkman - 9
Campbell, Kate - The portable Kate Campbell / Sing me out **** Cock Robin - Cock Robin ***½
Campbell, Kate - Blues and lamentations *** Cockburn, Bruce - You've never seen everything ***½
Campbell, Kate - For the living of these days *** Cockburn, Bruce - Speechless ****
Campbell, Kate - The K.O.A. tapes vol. 1 - 8½ Cockburn, Bruce - Life short call now ****
Campbell, Kate - Damn sure blues - 9 Cocker, Jarvis - Jarvis ****
Campbell, Lomond - Black river promise - 8½ Cocker, Joe - Heart & soul **
Campbell, Shelley - Blue ridge reveille **** Cocker, Joe - Hymn for my soul **
Campbell, Vivian - Two side of it ***½ Cocoon - My friends all died in a plane crash ****
Campbell Brothers, The - Can you feel it **** Cockrell, Thad - Warmth & beauty ****
Campbell Brothers, The - Beyond the 4 walls - 8 CocoRosie - Noah''s Ark ****
Camper Van Beethoven - New roman times **** CocoRosie - The adventures of ghosthorse and stillborn ****
Campton, Susan - The bride **** CocoRosie - Heartache city - 8
Candell, Suzie - California streets - 8 Coelho, Flavia - Sonho real - 9
Cannon, Melonie - Melonie Cannon ****½ Cohen, Adam - We go home - 8+
Cannon, Toronzo - John the conquer root - 8+ Cohen, Avishai - 1970 - 7½
Cannon, Toronzo - The Chicago Way - 9

Cohen, Gabriella – Full closure and no details -

Cantodiscanto - Pandemusica - 9 Cohen, Gabriella – Pink is the colour of unconditional love - 9
Cantorias - Cantorias - 9 Cohen, Gabriella – Blue no more - 9
Cantrell, Laura - Not the tremblin' kind **** Cohen, Leonard - Dear Heather ****
Cantrell, Laura - When the roses bloom again ****½ Cohen, Leonard - Popular problems - 8+
Cantrell, Laura - Humming by the flowered vine ****½ Coladera - La dτtu lado -
Cantrell, Laura - Just like a rose: the anniversary sessions - 9 Coldplay - X & Y ****
Cantuaria, Vinicius - Horse and fish ****½ Cole, Holly - Romantically helpless ****
Cantuaria, Vinicius - Cymbals ****½ Cole, Holly - Shade ****
Canty, Caitlin - Reckless skyline - 8- Cole, Holly - Holly Cole ****
Canty, Caitlin - Motel bouquet - 9 Cole, Keyshia - The way it is ***½
Canty, Caitlin - Quiet flame - 9 Cole, Keyshia - Just like you ***½
Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino - Quaranta - Cole, Lloyd - Antidepressant ***½
Caoimh, Cormac O - Shiny silvery things - 8 Cole, MJ - Cut to the chase ***
Capaldi, Lewis - Broken by desire to be heavenly sent - Collier, Vanessa – Meeting my shadow -
Capps, Annie - How can I say this? - 8 Collins & Ari Hest – Judy – Silver sky blue - 9
Carboni, Eva - Smoke and mirrors - 8 Collins & the Receptionists, Doug - Good sad news -
Carey, Edie - The Veil - 8 Collins & the Receptionists, Doug - Too late at night - 8
Carey, Kyle – North star - Collins, Judy - Spellbound -
Carey, Kyle – The art of forgetting - 9 Collins, Shirley – Lodestar -
Carlens, Stef Kamil - Making sense of - 9 Collins, Shirley – Archangel hill - 9
Carlens, Stef Kamil - Be who you wanna be - 9 Collins, Wes - Jabberwockie - 8
Carlile, Brandi - By the way, I forgive you - 8 Colton, Graham – Lonely one - 8-
Carlisle, Willi - Critterland - ComboNations - Dunya - 9
Carll, Hayes - What is is - Combs, Andrew – All these dreams -
Carloways, The - Resuscitator - 8 Combs, James - Falling under spells -
Carminho - Canto - Common Linnets, The – The Common Linnets - 8
Carney, Rosie – Bare - 9 Commoners, The - Find a better way - 8
Carney, Sean – Throwback - Complaints, The - Talk to me - 8
Carpenter, Mary Chapin – The things we are made of - 8 Complete Mountain Almanac - Complete Mountain Almanac - 9
Carpenter, Mary chapin - Sometimes just the sky - Con Brio – Kiss the sun - 9
Carper, Melissa - Ramblin' soul - Con Brio – Paradise -
Carroll, Adam – Let it choose you - 8 Congdon, Eric - Into the woods - 7
Caron, Kendel - The lost tapes of Suzanne Hamilton - 9 Conoscenti, Don – Anastasia - 8
Carter, Deborah J. – Diggin’ the Duke - Constanstance, Connie - English rose - 8
Carter, Regina – Southern comfort - 9 Coo, The - A different life -
Carter, Zoe Fitzgerald - Waterlines - 8 Cooder, Ry - The prigal son -
Carthy, Eliza - Restitude - Coogan, Anna - The lonely cry of space and time -
Case, Neko - Hell-on - 9 Cook, Elizabrth - Aftermath - 8
Case/Lang/Veirs – Case/Lang/Veirs - Cook, Hollie – Twice - 8-
Cash, Rosanne - She remembers everything- 9 Coolidge, Rita - Save in the arms of time - 9
Casier, Erika de - Still - Cooper, Dana - The ghost of tucumcan - 8
Caspi, Shawna - Hurricane coming - 9 Cooper, Hein – The art of escape - 8
Cassidy, Eva - Walking after midnight - 9 Copeland, Greg - The tango bar -
Cassler, Craig - Find my way - 8 Copeland, Shemekia – Outskirts of love -
Castlellows, The - A little time goes a long way - Copeland, Shemekia – Uncivil war -
Castle, Jennifer - Angels of death - Copeland, Shemekia – Done come too far - 9
Castle, Jennifer - Monarch season - 9 Coper Viper - Cut it down, count the rings - 8
Catbug - Slapen onder een hunebed - 9 Corbeau, Le - IV, V, VI - 7
Cattaneo, Susan - The hammer & the heart - 8 Cornish, Elizabeth - Where were we then -
Cattaneo, Susan - All is quiet - Corjanus, Vincent - Een melancholische dans door de nacht -
Cauthen, Paul - Room 41 - 8 Cornelis, Jess - Distance - 9
Cauthen, Paul - Country coming down - 8 Cornish, Elizabeth - Where were we then -
Cawood, Cheryl - Bullet in the cabin wall - 8 Correia, Daisy – Uma casa Portuguesa - 9
Cayucas – Dancing at the blue lagoon - 8 Corritore, Bob - Taboo - 8+
Cederblom, Henrick - zobop - 8 Corrs, The – White light - 6
Celeste - Not your muse - 9 Costello, Elvis - Hey clockface - 8
Celtic Duo, The - The Celtic Duo - 8 Costello & the Imposters, Elvis - The boy named if -
Cιu - Apkα! - 9 Costello, Sean – In the magic shop - 9
Cιu - Novela - 9 Cottrell - Death folk country - 9
Ceumar - Silencia - 9 Cour, Ben de la - Shadow land -
Cha Wa - My people - 8 Cousins, Rose - Bravado - 8
Chadwick, Sarah Mary - Please daddy - 9 Cowboy Junkies - All that reckoning -
Chairlift – Moth - 8 Cowboy Junkies - Ghosts -
Chadwick, Sarah Mary - Sugar still melts in the rain - Coyote Brother - Coyote Brother - 8
Chalberg, Amberly - Hi-line - 9 Cracknell, Sarah – Red kite - 8
Chambers, Annika - Kiss my sass -

Craigie, John – No rain, no rose - 8

Chambers & Paul Deslauriers, Annika - Good trouble - Craigie, John – Asterik the universe - 9
Chambers, Kasey - Dragonfly - 9 Craigie, John – Mermaid salt - 9
Chambers, Kasey - Backbone - 9

Crain, Samantha – You had me at goodbye -

Chaney, Olivia - Shelter - Crane & Asamisimasa, Laurence – Sound of horse - 8
Chapman, Daisy - Good luck songs - Cray, Robert & Hi Rhythm - Rbert Cray & Hi Rhythm -
Chapman, Roger - Life in the pond - 8 Creek, Leon - Far from broken - 8
Charles & Katie Rose, Matty – Catching arrows - 8 Criolo – Convoque seu buda - 9
Charles, Chloe – With blindfolds on - 8 Cronin, Claire - Bloddless - 9
Chastity Belt – Time to go home - 8 Cronin, Helene - Landmarks - 8
Chastity Belt – Chastity Belt - Cronin, Kaurna - Euphoria, delerium & loneliness - 8
Charivari Trio - Melodias del silencio - Cronin, Kaurna - Harsh beauty -
Chatten, Grian - Chaos for the fly - 9 Crooked Brothers, The – Thank you, I’m sorry -

Cheevers, Bob – Fifty years - 8

Cross, Amber - Savage on the downhill - 9
Cherry, Neneh - Broken politics - 9 Cross, Vincent – A town called normal - 8
Chi, Jon - River of marigolds - Crow, Sheryl - Threads - 8
Chicks, The - Gaslighter - Crowded House - Dreamers are waiting - 8
Chovstek, Annabelle - String of pearls - Crowell, Rodney – Close ties -
Chris, Anne – Just kissed the sun - Crowell, Rodney – Triage -
Christine and the Queens – Chaleur humaine - 9 Crowell, Rodney – The Chicago Sessions - 9
Christine and the Queens – Chris - Crowne and the Family Jewels, Angus - Shag rug -
Christine, Lissette – Bossanova baby - Cru, Tas - Drive on - 9
Chubby Knuckle Choir – Reveille - Cru, Tas - Broke down busted up - 8
Chubby, Popa – I’m feelin’ Lucky - 8+ Cuddy, Cris – The best kept secret - 7+
Chubby, Popa – Two dogs - Cullen, Heath - Springtime in the heart -
Chura, Stef - Midnight - 8 Cullum, Jamie – Interlude - 8
Ciao Lucifer - No work all play - Culwell, Ryan - The last American - 8
Cicala, Domenic - Come on over - 8 Cummings, Grace - Storm queen - 9
Cilker, Margo - Pohorylle - 9 Cummings, Grace - Ramona - 9
Cilker, Margo - Valley of heart's delight - Curran, Amelia - Watershed -
Cindy - 01:02 - Curran & Friends, Gracie - Come undone - 9
Cindy Lee - Diamond jubilee - Curse Of Lono - Severed -
Cinelli Brothers, The - Almost exactly... - 8 Curse Of Lono - 4AM and counting -
Cissokho, Diabel - Rhythm of the griots - 9 Cuss, Levi – Night thief - 8
Citizen K – Second thoughts - 8 Cut Worms - Cut worms -
Clapton, Eric - Back home ****½  


laatste update: 22-01-25