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A.K & the Brotherhood - Oh Sedona! - 8 Anastacia - Anastacia ***½
AAPNOOTMIES - AAPNOOTMIES - Anders, Susan - 13 Women - 8
Aarssen, Dennis van - How to live - 8 Anderson/Stolt - Invention of knowledge -
Aarssen, Dennis van - Just call it love - 8 Anderson, Lauren - Truly me - 8
Aarset, Eivind - I.E. - 7 Anderson, Laurie - Heart of a dog -
A/B Trio - Trioliloquy. - 7 Anderson, Kasey - The reckoning ****
Abaji - Blue shaman - Andersson, Su - Train stories - 9
Abbé, Julie - Numberless dreams - 9 Andersson, Su - Brave - 8
Abbiati, Edward - To the light - 8 Andrade, Mayra - Navega ****½
Abizaid, Amanda - Walking in twos - 8 Andrade, Mayra - Manga - 9
Abrams, Gracie - The secret of us - 8 Andrews, Courtney Marie - Old flowers - 9
Absher & Swamp Royale, Brad - Lucky dog - 7½ Andrews, Jill - Modern age - 8
Acda, Chantal - Saturday moon - 9 Andrews, Nels - Pigeon and the crow - 8
Acda en de Munnik - Groeten uit Maaiveld **** Anest, Alex & Naomi - Angel in waiting ***½
Acda en de Munnik - Nachtmuziek ** Angel, Rebecca - Love my choices - 9
Acorn, The - Vieux loup - 8 Angèle - Nonante-cinq - 9
Acosta, Estrella - Tierra - 9 Angell, Gretje - To any key - 8
Acuña, Claudia - Rhythm of life **** Angell, Tara - Come down ****
Adam, Line - België / Belgique - Angström - Echoes of my mournful song - 8
Adams, Bryan - 11 *** Anjimile - The King - 8½
Adams, Catte - Catte Adams **** Ann, Aber Jo - Breathless -
Adams, Clelia - Heartbeat highway ***½ Ann, Keren - Not going anywhere ***
Adams, Eve - Metal bird - Ann, Keren - Nolita ****½
Adams, Justin - Soul science **** Ann, Keren - Bleue - 8
Adams, Mishka - Space **** Ann, Stevie - Away from here ****
Adams, Oleta - All the love ***½ Ann, Stevie - Closer to the heart ***½
Adams, Oleta - Third set - 8 Ann-Marita - Ann-Marita ****
Adams, Ryan - Demolition **½ Anna Of The North - Lovers - 8
Adams, Ryan - Rock N Roll / Love is hell *** Annevik, Frida - Flyge fra - 8
Adams & the Cardinals, Ryan - Cold roses ****½ Annibale, Brooke - Better by now - 8½
Adams & the Cardinals, Ryan - Jacksonville city nights ***** Annie - Anniemal ****
Adams, Ryan - 29 **** Anouk - Graduated fool **½
Adams, Ryan - Ryan Adams - 9- Anouk - Hotel New York ****½
Adams, Ryan - 1989 - 9 Anouk - Who's your momma ****
Adams, Ryan - Heartbreaker (Deluxe Edition) - 10 Anouk - Live at Gelredome (dvd) -
Adams, Ryan - Prisoner - 8 Anouk - For bitter or worse -
Adamz, Doug - Doug Adamz plays national steel - 9 Anouk - Paradise and back again - 8
Adele - 19 ****½ Anouk - Queen for a day - 7
Adele - 21 - 9 Anouk - Fake it till we die - 8
Adele - 25 - Anouk - Trails of fails - 8
Adele - 30 - 8 Antena, Isabella - En cavale **
Adey, Steve - All things real ***½ Antone, Maggie  - Rhinestoned - 8½
Admiral Freebee - Songs **** Anthony, Marc - Mended ***
Adna - Closure - Anthony, Marc - Amar sin mentiras **
Adolfo, Antonio - Destiny **** Anthony, Michelle - Stand fall repeat **
Adrian - Desert dwelling mama - Antoine, Marc - Modern times *****
Adult Mom - Driver - 8 Antonel, Stacy - Always the outsider - 9
Aeral East - Try harder - Antony & the Johnsons - I am a bird now *****
After Forever - Remagine **** Antony & the Johnsons - The crying light -
A Girl Called Eddy - A Girl Caled Eddy **** Apartments, The - No song, no spell, no madrigal - 10
A Girl Called Eddy - Been around - Apneseth Trio, Erlend - Ara  - 6
Agnostic Front - Another voice ** Apocalyptica - Apocalyptica ****
Aguilera, Christina - Stripped ** Apple, Fiona - Extraordinary machine ****
Aguilera, Christina - Back to the basics ***½ Apple, Fiona - Fetch the bolt cutters - 9
A-Ha - Analogue * Apple & Rob McNurlin, Nancy - River, road or rail ****
Ahluwalia, Kiran - Sanata: Stillness - 9 Apple & Setser - Apple & Setser - 8
AIFF - Afro soul system ***** Appleton - Evrything's eventual **
Aiken, Caroline - Broken wings heal - 9 Aqualung - Still life ***½
Aiken, Mike - Wayward troubadour - 8 Arab Strap - Monday at the Hug & Pint **½
Aimee, Cyrille - Let's get lost - Arab Strap - I'm totally fine with it don't give a fuck anymore - 8
Ainsworth, Lydia - Right from real - 8½ Arbel, Sivan - Change of light -
Air - Talkie Walkie ****½ Arc Iris - Moon saloon - 9
Air - Pocket symphony **** Arc Iris - Icon of ego -
Akerblom Nielsen, Nina - Nobody knows this little rose - Arcade Fire - Funeral ****
Akerlund, Jeanette - En egen plats - 7+ Arcades, Amber - Barefoot on diamond road - 9
Akih, Boi - Uwa I ****½ Archer, Wilma - A western circular - 9
Akih, Boi - Storyteller - 8 Architecture in Helsinki - In case we die **
Akron/Family - Akron/Family ***½ Arends, Mia / Michael Derning - Rough magic - 8
Akron/Family - Love is simple ****½ Arielle - Analog girl in a digital world - 8
Aku, Liz - Ankhor - 8 Arifa - Secret poetry -
Alabama Shakes - Sound and color - 8 Armatrading, Joan - The shouting stage ****
Alabaugh, John - Sweet as you - 8 Armatrading, Joan - Lovers speak *** - You and I - Armatrading, Joan - Into the blues ****
AlascA - Prospero - 8 Armstrong, Craig - Piano works ***½
Albarn, Damon - Everybody robots - 8½ Arnauth, Mafalda - Encantamento ****½
Alberstein, Chava - End of the holiday **** Arnauth, Mafalda - Diario ****
Albert, Christine - Everything's beautiful now - 8 Arnauth, Mafalda - Terra da luz -
Alberta Cross - The thief & the heartbreaker **** Aroah - El dia despues ****½
Alberta Cross - Broken side of time - Arocena, Daymé - Cubafonia -
Albertine - Drops - 8½ Arocena, Daymé - Sonocardiogram -
Albright, Gerald - Groovology *** Arroyo Rogers - Single wide - 7
Alcaide, Ana - Leyenda - Artadi, Genevieve - Forever forever -
Alcaide, Ana - Ritual - 8½ Arthur, Joseph - The Family - 9
Alden, Alexandra - Leads to love - 9 Asa - Asa ****
Aldridge, Hannah - Razor wire - 7½ Ashe - Ashlyn - 9
Aldridge, Hannah - Gold rush - 9 Ashanti - Chapter II **
Aldridge, Hannah - Dream of America - 9 Ashanti - Concrete rose **
Alea, Liset - No sleep ***½ Ashcroft, Richard - Human conditions ****
Aleksandra, Susanna - The Siren - 9 Ashcroft, Richard - Keys to the world ****½
Alexa, Thana - Ode to heroes - 8 Ashtray Hearts - Perfect halves ****
Alexander & Shadowland, Glenn - Glenn Alexander & Shadowland - 8 Assad, Badi - Rhythms ****
Alexander, Shane - Bliss - 8 Assad, Badi - Verde ****½
Alexandra, Louise - Today - 8 Assad, Badi - Wonderland ****
Alhinho, Tété - Voz ***** Assad, Badi - Hatched - 9
Ali, Azam - Elysium for the brave ****½ Aström & Petra Haraldson - Unarmed-songs of the poetry of Karen Boye, Camilla - 9
Alice - Weekend - 8 Astral Swans - Astral Swans - 9
Alien Café - Chloé says ***½ Athey, Eric - Open house ****
All About Eve - All About Eve ***** Atkins, Ben - Mabelle ****
All Day Sucker - Denim days - 9 Atkins, Nicole - Slow phaser - 8
All Them Witches - Nothing as the ideal - 8 Atkins, Nicole - Goodnight Rhonda Lee - 8½
Allen, Lily - Allright still **** Atkins, Nicole - Italian ice -
Allen, Lily - Sheezus - 7+ Atomic Kitten - Feels so good *½
Allen, Marina - Candlepower - Atlas, Natacha - Gedida ****
Allen, Marina - Centrifics - 9 Atlas, Natacha - Something dangerous ****
Allen, Russell - Atomic soul ***½ Atlas, Natacha - The best of ***
Allen, Terry - Juarez ***½ Atlas, Natacha - Mishmaoul **½
Allien, Ellen - Thrills ***½ Atlas, Natacha - Myriad road - 9
Allman Brothers Band - Hittin' the note ***½ Atlas, Natacha - Strange days - 9
Almeida, Elida - Kebrada - Atlas Road Crew - Halfway to hopkins -
Allyson, Karrin - Wild for you **** Auad, Eva - Like no other - 9
Allyson, Karrin - Footprints **** Auburn - Glass to sand - 9½
Almagor, Eva - Against the grain - 8 Auburn - Love & promises - 9
Almasäla - Eohl ***** Auburn - Game of faith - 8½
Almedal, Anne Marie - Lightshadow - Audio Bullys - Ego war *** 
Almond, Marc - Chaos and a dancing star - 8 Audioslave - Out of exile *** 
Almqvist, Andi - Red room stories ***½ Auerbach, Dan - Waiting on a song -
Alpert, Geoff - Open your heart - Auf der Maur - Auf der Maur ***½
Altena, Dick van - Singer and songs - Auld, Audrey - Hey warden - 8
Alterne - Alterne - 9 Aurelio - Landini - 8+
Altin Gün - Yol - 9 Aurelio - Darandi -
Alvin, Dave - Ashgrove **** Aurora - All my demons greeting me as a friend -
Alvvays - Alvvays - 8 Aurora - What happened to the heart? - 9
Amadou & Mariam - Dimanche a Bamako ***** Autechre - Untilted ** 
Amadou & Mariam - Welcome to Mali - Avalanche Quartet - Rainy night house - 8+
Amariszi - Nine Balkan nights - 8+ Avani - The real thing ***½
Amberjack Rice - Get so little **** Aventura - Love & hate ****½
Amendoeira, Joana - Muito depois - Aventura - God's project ****
American Aquarium - Wolves - 9 Avers, Judith - Walk steady - 9
Americans, The - I'll be yours - Avery, Cameron - Ripe dreams, pipe dreams - 8
Ameridon, Sam - The following mountain - Avi Buffalo - At best cuckoo -
Amigo, Vicente - Un momento en el sonido ***½ Away With Birds - Away With Birds - 9
Amira - Rosa **** Awel, Syna - Awel - 9
Amorosa - Petit soleil - 9 Awkward i - Unalasca - 9
Amorosi, Vanessa - The power **½ Axell, Sonny - Kickback - 8
Amos, Tori - Under the pink **** Aydar, Mariana - Brasil sons e sabores ****
Amos, Tori - Scarlet's walk **** Aydar, Mariana - Kavita 1 *****
Amos, Tori - The Beekeeper ***** Ayllon, Eva - The Afro-Peruvian legend ****
Amos, Tori - American doll posse **** Aynur - Nüpel ****
Amos, Tori - Abnormally attracted to sin - Aynur - Nüpel -
Amos, Tori - Ocean to ocean - 9 Ayo - Joyful ****½
Amp Fiddler - Afro strut ** Ayo - Royal -
Amparanoia - Enchilao ***** Ayreon - The human equotion ****
Amparanoia - Rebeldia de alegria ***** Ayreon - 0101100 ****½
Amparanoia - La vida te da ** Aysha - Take me higher - 7
Amparanoia - Himnopsis colectiva - 9 Azevedo, Anastacia - Amanaiara ****½
Amplifier - Amplifier **** Azmari - Sama'i - 9
Amsterdam Klezmer Band - Blitzmash - 8 Azure - Hiptronics - 9+
Amsterdam Klezmer Band - Bomba pop - 8 Azure Ray - Hold on love ****½


laatste update: 05-02-25